General Meeting Information

Date: December 6, 2018
Time: 1:30 p.m.
Location: ADM 109

  • Agenda

    Time Agenda Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    1:30-1:35 p.m. Welcome and Introductions and Updates I/D All
    1:35-1:40 p.m. Approval of Minutes I/D/A All
    1:40-1:50 p.m. Mid-year Update: Website Implementation I/D Harrell/All
    1:50-2:10 p.m.

    Tech Plan Updates

    I/D All
    2:10-2:20 p.m.

    Evaluation and Updating of Goals


    2:20-2:35 p.m.

    Banner 9 /Cloud Transition


    2:35-3:00 p.m.

    Standing Updates

    • Accessibility
    • Banner Student
    • ETS
    • ETS Project Scheduling
    • Online Education Advisory Group
    • All 
    • Harrell
    • Luciw
    • Cheu
    • Ranck

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    Present: Roland Amit, Anne Argyriou (on behalf of Ray Brennan), Brandon Gainer, David Garrido, Alex Harrell, Cecilia Hui, Joe Moreau, Cheryl Owiesny, Mary Pape (co-chair), Lorrie Ranck, Iman Seale (notes), Chen Shih, Marisa Spatafore (co-chair), Martin Varela (on behalf of Susan Cheu)

    Welcome, Introductions and Updates

    Spatafore introduced Iman Seale as the new communications associate. Members of the committee introduced themselves. Roland Amit noted that new dean of Enrollment Services Nazy Galoyan will be joining the committee beginning in February. It was noted that the committee is still awaiting an appointment of a DASB representative.

    Approval of Minutes

    Minutes were approved with a minor correction.

    Mid-year Update: Website Implementation

    Harrell noted that the new search engine has been popular and search results have vastly improved. There are also significant improvements with accessibility. The site is now down to an average of .01 errors per page. Web team monitoring of search results has helped with organizing content. Analytics show that page views are down while time spent on site has increased, which suggests there are better search results, content and organization of pages. Owiesny said that the division admin had trouble getting lists of courses by day/time and location. Harrell noted that the scheduling platform has recently changed to Resource25 and that should be used to see what is scheduled for a given room. Ranck underscored the use of Resource25. Harrell demonstrated the new, interactive campus map with links to the video tour. Argyriou asked whether it’s possible for students to get walking directions for specific rooms on campus. Moreau mentioned the mobile app as a solution. However, this may not give directions to specific rooms. Spatafore noted that this can be an item that is promoted at the beginning of the academic year. Harrell demonstrated the search feature as a good means for reaching Athletics and other pages.

    Tech Plan Updates

    Spatafore said that updates should be summarized from the last meeting in June to the present. She reminded the group that college’s Tech Plan is evaluated on a calendar year schedule, not academic year, and each objective should be evaluated for a potential updating or revision during the group’s review.

    Goal 1: Support ubiquitous, agile technology across the campus community


    Implementation Activities

    Promote the consolidation of technology functions to yield economies of scale and/or foster better communication

    Successful release of mobile app and portal. Moreau provided statistics on usage. Within first two weeks of launch, there were more than 7,000 downloads and 340,000 page views with a roughly 60% return user rate.Research on curriculum management systems is ongoing. Harrell and Lydia Hearn have met with several stakeholder groups and are in the process of determining which system is the best fit. Ranck noted that winter should be the target date.

    Assist with the transition of the course management system from Catalyst to CanvasUpdated to:Assist with the next phase of Canvas trainings

    Garrido stated that Canvas is being used by more instructors to enhance regular and hybrid courses. Regular trainings have continued and “Beyond the Basics” workshops are also offered. OEI resources are being advertised as part of Course Design Academy for faculty interested in satisfying OEI course quality rubric. Garrido and Gainer discussed preparations for the Online U training program. Gainer is the consultation contact for directing faculty to the best professional development resources for them. The faculty section of the website has additional details on progress. Ranck noted that a professional development dashboard is in the works.

    Create a map for technology support 

    Spatafore stated that this objective has essentially been completed although the website map will be updated as necessary -- and the objective will be noted as such, thus evaluating and revising the Tech Plan in accordance with evaluation plans.

    Goal 2:Teaching, learning and student engagement


    Implementation Activities

    Collaborate with Academic Senate, other partners on the development of open educational resources

    Spatafore noted class schedule designations for zero- and low-cost textbooks, achieved through working with faculty coordinator Lydia Hearn.

    Assist as affordable and feasible in the organized provision of tablets and similar devices in classrooms and programs

    Revised to: Assist as affordable and feasible in the organized provision and/or support of instructional technology in classrooms and programs.

    Ranck stated that there is continued use and support of tablets. Spatafore and Ranck agreed that the refreshment of this objective should be brought up with Academic Senate, deans, and program reviews. 

    Guide the continual growth of course management system functionality to foster meaningful student-instructor and student- to-student communication

    Robust training has been incorporated in new systems. Gainer stated that as OEI changes happen, they have worked efficiently disseminate the information.

     Collaborate with its accessibility expert and Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS) to continually evaluate accessibility and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance across the website, learning management system and student information systems

    As the High-Tech Center Training Unit grant has moved, DSPS faculty member Sridevi Lakshmanan is the new accessibility expert. As Harrell had noted, website accessibility has improved tremendously with the redesign.

    Improve access to student and academic services via technology

    Release of the app and improved portal

    Goal 3: Deeper research into student success and subsequent responses


    Implementation Activities

    Collect and analyze data to guide the enrichment of the student experience through technology

    Moreau addressed part of this objective in his report on the app. Gainer noted that King had created a student guide to Canvas. Gainer also stated that they analyze and alter resources based on student responses. Pape asked about text communication capability between faculty and students. Ranck stated that it is an opt-in for students and that a tech training had been planned for this.

    Research and work to implement device- independent technologies that improve student access and equity

    Mobile app and improved portal

    Goal 4: Professional development


    Implementation Activities

    Collect and analyze data to guide the enrichment of the student experience through technology

    Pape stated that many part-time faculty members have taken advantage of training. The technology trainer position is currently vacant. Ranck and Moreau mentioned that full access to is also an available resource. Ranck stated that the technology survey was not completed due to a resignation, however, there have been other surveys to evaluate more specific items.

    Evaluation and Updating of Goals

    Committee agreed to continue working on Goal 1, Objectives 1 and 2. After updates on the plan, Objective 3 was recognized a complete. Moreau suggested that Goal 2, Objective 2 be

    adjusted to give more support student-owned devices rather than primarily focusing on providing devices, seeing as there has been an increase in device ownership over the years. Gainer suggested updated language of Goal 2, Objective 2. Committee members agreed with minor adjustments. The updated objective now reads, “Assist as affordable and feasible in the organized provision and/or support of instructional technology in classrooms and programs.” Regarding Goal 2, Objective 3 Ranck stated that this objective can be incorporated into other training and communications efforts that are already in place. Committee members were satisfied with the remaining goals and objectives as they are.

    Banner 9/Cloud Transition

    Shih provided updates on the Banner 9/Cloud transition. Shih noted important milestones including that we have been Cloud-based for three months. The last update will occur over the weekend and it will be a significant update. After this, there will not be major upgrades. Shih stated that the Financial Aid and Payroll departments have been trained and prepared for the transition. They will be in the first batch of departments to upgrade from Banner 8 to 9; they will go live on Dec. 20. The catalog team is set to be trained in January. The student team will be trained in February as they do not want to have any drastic changes at the beginning of the quarter. They are the last group to be trained. It is anticipated that everyone will be on Banner 9 by the end of February. Moreau noted that the update scheduled for Dec. 7 is not a customer-facing upgrade; it is an infrastructure upgrade. The Banner 9 transition should not affect students and faculty as they use a different part of the system (Banner Self-Service). Moreau also stated there are additional changes coming to Banner Self-Service, but there will be a break after the transition is complete in February. Moreau stated that this break can be used to direct efforts toward stabilizing new systems. Shih and Moreau explained that additional systems are proposed for planning and evaluation in summer and fall and would potentially be rolled out next winter. For summer, Banner 9 will be used for scheduling. Varela asked how Banner Self-Service updates would affect staff members, namely those who use Banner Financial Services. Moreau clarified that staff should not be drastically affected and that new training may be needed for Fall 2019.

    Standing Updates

    Moreau stated that the OEI project was renewed for another five years with the district. Moreau also announced that student email was released over the summer. This has been popular; several hundred email addresses have been requested. Moreau referenced a new app to track attendance; Spatafore said that Owiesny should be informed of this.

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