De Anza Innovation Center

De Anza College Innovation Center logoFostering Creativity to Develop Social and Environmental Solutions

Unless otherwise noted, all events will be held on campus in the Business and Finance Village Center (AT 202).

Fall 2024: Startup Boot Camp

Do you …

  • Have an idea for a new product, service, business, or a customer to serve?
  • Feel you are missing the knowledge and skills to turn your idea into a new business?
  • Have a team that needs to move rapidly to seize a market opportunity?
  • Wonder if your new idea is worth pursuing?

Then the De Anza Innovation Boot Camp is right for you!

The free Bootcamp is led by Rowland Chen, instructor at De Anza College and CEO of The Silicon Valley Laboratory Inc.

  • Six mandatory in-person workshops, Oct. 8 - 24, 2024, Tuesday & Thursday, 3-4:30 p.m. (room AT202)
  • Value proposition, business modeling, funding, team building, pitching, and a mandatory pitch event on Tuesday, Oct. 29 from 3-5 p.m.
  • Certificate of completion for those who complete the Boot Camp. The Boot Camp is not for credit.
  • Admission into the Boot Camp by application only
  • Open to all registered De Anza College students in Fall, 2024, including all majors, affinities, clubs, and learning communities
  • Applications are accepted until 11:59 p.m., Sept. 20.
  • A select few applicants are to be interviewed beginning Sept. 21.
  • Preference is given to new ideas and new ventures that emphasize social responsibility and sustainability.
  • Notifications of acceptance or non-acceptance by Oct. 1.
  • Click this link to go to the online application.

For more information, contact

Speaker Series for 2024-25: Stay Tuned!

Hear from industry experts on the latest trends in venture funding, technology innovations, and challenges and opportunities in venture development – focusing on artificial intelligence, robotics, big data, health, the environment, and social issues.

For questions, please contact Emily Garbe, Business faculty member, at 

Past Events

Business Model Canvas Competition (BMC)

This annual business model competition is open to all De Anza students. Led by Dean Manisha Karia, the competition is a team-based event where students develop a business model within a given time based on a market opportunity identified by the judge. Next BMC event Spring 2025.


Past Speakers

Catherine LinSpeaker: Catherine Lin

Catherine Lin has more than a decade of experience in advertising, specializing in online marketing of products and working with clients such as Apple and Cadillac. She is currently the associate design director at Leo Burnett, a leading global ad agency. She was formerly art director at Kettle, a premier ad agency that integrates technology and creativity.

Kevin McClellandSpeaker: Kevin McClelland

Kevin McClelland is a financial adviser with over 30 years of experience. He is on the Board of the San Jose Chamber of Commerce and chairs the Small Business Committee. He has been honored as Business Advocate of the Year by the San Jose Chamber of Commerce and received a Star Award from the Cupertino Chamber of Commerce

Artificial Intelligence: Powers and Pitfalls

(Postponed to Fall 2024)

futuristic image of bald humanoid smilingSpeaker: Rowland Chen

Rowland Chen is the CEO of the Silicon Valley Laboratory and a Business instructor at De Anza. He has more than 40 years of experience as a scientist, engineer, management consultant, and educator who has worked with some of the largest and smallest companies in the world. Formerly a visiting scientist at Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer Science, he brings a unique perspective to the AI ecosystem.

(Image credit: prompt engineered by R. Chen, rendered by OpenAI's Dall-E)


For more information about the Innovation Center, please contact Dr. Emily Garbe at 

Support the Innovation Center!

Your can make a donation to support the Innovation Center, and its activities for students, by using the Foothill-De Anza Foundation's online donation form. 

Donate Now

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