Meeting Notes - October 13, 2010

1) Welcome and Introductions

Jeanpierre sent her apologies. She was attending the EDUCAUSE conference. Michaelis welcomed the members to the 2010-11 academic year and asked them to introduce themselves.

2) Charge, Goals, Ground Rules, Principles, and Training PBT Members

 The team reviewed the Charge, Goals, Ground Rules, Principles, and Training web pages.

3) Approval of Notes July 27, 2010

The notes were approved.

4) Program Reviews and AUOs (Administrative Unit Outcomes)

Michaelis gave an overview of the need for the revision of the departments' program reviews and explained how the AUOs would be incorporated into the process. Every department that completed a program review would have to do an AUO.

5) Accreditation

  • Std III Report - Michaelis explained the handout reviewing the status of the Std III report.
  • Technology Strategic Plan Revision - Michaelis explained that the Technology Task Force continued to meet throughout the Summer to update the Strategic Technology Plan (STP). It was not a rewrite of the plan, but an update for accreditation purposes. The Plan was being presented at the governance groups for review and would be approved by College Council.

6) Burning Issues

Michaelis explained that there was $15M of Measure C funds for expending over the next 5 years. FF&E included refresh technology. Clarification was needed on if unspent funds from prior years would be swept. Self-support departments can request items with Measure C funds.

Present: Creamer, Gerard, Harada, Jenkins, Khan, Michaleis, Montgomery, Syed (DASB)

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