General Meeting Information

Date: February 14, 2023
Time: 10:00 - 11:25 am
Location: MLC 255

This meeting will be held HyFlex, meaning anyone can participate in-person or online.  To join remotely, see the Zoom information at the bottom of this page.

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader


    Approval of Agenda and Minutes from Feb 7, 2023

    I/A Rob
    10:05-10:20 Restricted Funds Example: Strong Work Force and Perkins I/D Erik with Randy Bryant
    10:20-10:45 Lottery, Instructional Equipment, & Library Materials Basics
    & Funds available for allocation
    I/D Rob with Pam Grey and Martin Varella

    Resource Allocation Process and Timelines for Materials/Equipment/Student Services

    D Erik
    11:15-11:25 PAC charge



    Today's desired actions/outcomes:

    1. Finalize and approve charge

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    Membership attendance

    • In person: Tina Lockwood, Adam Contreras, Thomas Ray, Tim Shively, Izat Rasyad, Erik Woodbury, Cheryl Jaeger Balm, Salvador Guerrero, Alicia Mullens, Karen Chow (proxy for APASA)
    • Remote: Dennis Shannakian, Felisa Vilaubi, Michele LeBleu-Burns,  Andre Meggerson, Pam Grey,  Wei Quan Lai, Bidya Subedi, Melinda Hughes,  Javier Gomez-Tagle, Rob Mieso, Isaac Lim, Moaty Fayek, Elvin Ramos, Eric Mendoza, Jessica Lukius

    Votes taken in today's meeting:

    1. Charge adopted - passes unanimously


    Minutes and agenda approved, with one correction to the Feb 7 attendance.

    Restricted Funds Example: Strong Work Force and Perkins

    Tabled because Randy Bryant was unable to attend and present today.

    ACTION NEEDED:  Agendize for a future meeting.

    Lottery, Instructional Equipment and Library Materials Basics, and Funds available for allocation

    Erik explained the lottery funds guidelines document, which can be found on the PAC Resource Allocations page.  The main two questions to ask when allocating lottery funds are (1) is the item more than $200 (equipment) OR (2) is it expendable/consumed (supplies).

    Library Materials have their own funding source.  Pages 45-48 of the California Community Colleges Physical Plant and Instructional Support Guidelines explain what these funds can be used for.

    Martin Varela shared the Office of Administrative and Fiscal Services SharePoint page and a spreadsheet on lottery funds.  There is $2.7M of our lottery funds not yet allocated, and $954,000 that has been allocated.  We continue to receive lottery funding from the State every month.  This money can only be used in Instruction and Student Services, not operational items e.g. paper towels.

    For Instructional Equipment and Library Materials:  There are 4 different funds that Instructional Equipment can come to us out of from District; altogether from these four pots we have $233,000 not yet allocated, as detailed in this spreadsheet.  For example, in one of these funding sources we got $3M but $2.2M has not been spent/encumbered.  If these funds are not spent by June 30, 2023, which is the end of the FHDA fiscal year, our internal college policy is that this money will go back into the District pool and can be reallocated to campus programs.  Martin Varela will be working individually with many of departments to help them spend their allocations from the correct funds.  

    Instructional Equipment funds are generally restricted to instructional classrooms and don’t really apply to students services other than a few exceptions e.g. DSPS.  There is no corollary account for student services.  For example, if the food pantry needs a refridgerator, that expense could not come out of Instructional Equipment, but could come out of Basic Needs.  There are a number of categorical funds that can be used for student services.

    The FOAP (Fund, Organization, Account, Program) is a set of numbers that together can be taken as an “account number”.

    The Chancellor's Office is updating their guidelines for spending lottery money.  During the lockdown, we spent less of the equipment money, and we also had access to HEERF (Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund created in response to COVID-19).  Guidance and restrictions on Lottery, Instructional Equipment and COVID-19 funds can be found in this folder.

    Resource Allocation Process and Timelines for Materials/Equipment/Student Services

    In the past, IPBT read each program review.  It is required that we tie our expenditures to our program reviews.  As we are allocating funds, we want to look at the campus as a whole.

    Elvin asked about possibly using another data management software that may work better than Excel, but no one in the room knew of any such software beyond something like a webform that builds an Excel file.

    When we are looking at a request, we should have a way to log corollary expenses.  For example, if there’s a request for a piece of equipment that requires someone to install it, that installation cost should also be logged.  Also, software requests/purchases may require personnel to maintain it.  On the request form, we should include a space for staff support needed for the purchase, if any, and whether that personnel already exists here.  That staff support line / additional costs should be completed by the requester and/or members of PAC.  This year the requests are already in, so PAC may have to complete this line and deans will be asked to do it next round.

    This year’s allocation process may not be our permanent process.  We will fall down rabbit holes and not do everything perfectly, so we have to give this body permission to make some mistakes.  Please communicate to your constituents that this process is a work in progress and there will be mistakes made that we need to fix next time around.

    There was a conversation on how we can know that things deans have marked critical are actually critical.  The definitions used previously are: Critical: Can't live without it; Needed: Necessary in 1 - 2 years; Desirable: Expansion/increase abilities/planning


    PAC Charge

    Discussion and edits made to Draft Charge on p. 3 of the document linked above.

    Charge was approved unanimously.

    PAC Charge:

    1. Establish and maintain a membership that equitably represents the stakeholder groups on De Anza’s campus to examine and make recommendations on the equitable allocation of resources.
    2. Establish and implement consistent decision-making criteria and evaluate priorities in matters concerning Instructional, Administrative and Student Services budget and resources.  
    3. Make recommendations to College Council regarding programs and services (including administrative, instructional, and student), their initiation, expansion, consolidation and discontinuance based on qualitative and quantitative data collected from the college community, including recommendations with respect to hiring full-time faculty, staff, and administrators. 
    4. Facilitate effective, efficient, and timely program review, annual planning and budgeting processes for college programs and services.
    5. Coordinate with the Institutional Research Office to share quantitative and qualitative data related to programs and services. 
    6. Conduct member training regularly, and review training processes annually for equity and effectiveness. Support mentorship of student members through active involvement of other members. 
    7. Ensure that the recommendations of the committee are consistent with institutional strategic planning goals and the college’s Mission and Institutional Core Competencies, supported by the Educational Master Plan, Equity Plan, Facilities Master Plan, and Technology Master Plan. 
    8. Facilitate collaboration of planning and budget discussions and decisions across other shared governance groups and the Budget Advisory Committee.

    ACTION NEEDED:  Next meeting we will work on renaming the PAC and start on actual allocations.

Zoom Information 

Meeting URL:

Meeting ID: 814 3025 8762
Passcode: 110311

One tap mobile:  +16699006833,,81430258762#

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