General Meeting Information

Date: October 25, 2017
Time: 2:30 - 4 p.m.

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Discussion Leader
    2:30 - 2:50 p.m.
    • Welcome and Introductions
    • EAC Community Agreement
    • Edmundo Norte
    • Tony Santa Ana
    2:50 - 3 p.m.

    Equity and Enagagement Dvision - 

    • Organizational Structure & Programs
    • Mission of EAC and Governance Group
    Alicia Cortez
    3 - 3:35 p.m. Roots, Branches and Seeds Activity
    • Alicia Cortez
    • Tony Santa Ana
    • Edmundo Norte
    • Anita Muthyala-Kandula
    3:35 - 3:45 p.m. Gallery Walk - Look for common themes and reflections
    • Alicia Cortez
    • Tony Santa Ana
    3:45 - 4 p.m.
    • Shared Governance
    • Equity Core Teams
    • Meeting Teams
    Alicia Cortez

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    Roll Call

    Anita Muthyala-Kandula, Edmundo Norte,  Tom Nguyen, Diana Alves de Limas,  Cynthia Kaufman, Steve Nava, Alicia del Toro, Karen Chow, Alicia Cortez, Simon Phichayaphinyo, Claudia Andrade, Sara Navarro, Tony Santa Ana, Andrew Phelps, Dawn Lee Tu, Daniel Acosta, Ron Klienman, Wil Byars, Diana Argabrite, Erick Aragon, Karen Hunter, Adriana Garcoa

    Meeting Items

    Welcome and Introductions (Edmundo Norte)
    1. Tool: medicine wheel
    2. Sound Meditation
    3. Introductions and why are you here?
      • I enjoy this work, I need to be equity, happy to be around these folx, agenda looked very interesting, I want to be here, it’s privilege to be here, this crew is dope, there is always snacks, a pleasure to be here with all of you, one of my favorite spaces to be, make the world safe paired with social justice for those “madness considerations” it feels especially urgent,  consider my program as part of the equity division, seems especially important now, hope to have more effect as shared governance body and hope not to lose what we had before it became a shared governance, help diversify the students in my program, I like being here, consider my program as part of the solution, I was invited here, this work is important to me, I’m in really good company

    Review EAC Community Agreements (Tony Santa Ana)
    1. Show up, and choose to be present
    2. Pay attention to what has heart and meaning
    3. Tell the truth without blame or judgment
    4. Be open to outcome, not attached to outcome
      • From The Four-Fold Way® by Angeles Arrien, Ph.D

    Equity and Engagement Division (Alicia Cortez)
    1. Review of division organizational chart
    2. Disability justice
    3. The newest division out of 11-12 divisions
    4. Identified governance groups academic senate, classified senate, IPBT< curriculum, DARE taskforce, SSPBT, campus center advisory, campus budget, EAC, Tech Taskforce, Campus Facilities, College Council, FCOPBT, DASB Senate.
    5. Refer to Shared Governance Website

    Roots Branches Seeds Alicia, Tony, Anita, Edmundo
    1. Tool: Roots, branches and Seeds Guide Sheet
    2. Roots: explores the histories that brings us to this moment
    3. Branches: addresses present day-people of communities and delves into complex questions of our current era
    4. Seeds: looks to the future by speaking to new generation to sons and daughters, to god children or to imagined children yet to be born , all of them inheritors of what happens  now

    Gallery Walk (Tony Santa Ana, Alicia Cortez)
    1. What are things coming up for you
    2. Take mental notes

    Reflection Alicia Cortez
    1. EAC model equitize shared governance
    2. Equity Reps at shared governance
    3. How meetings are run, reflect constituency we serve
    4. Tool: 6 steps to decision making
    5. Tool: collaborative facilitation
    6. Define initiatives –ETC

    1. Agenda
    2. Notes
    3. Powerpoint
    4. Survey
    5. Medicine wheel
    6. Roots, Branches and Seeds Guide Sheet


    Send Division org chart to Ronald

    Parking Lot 

    Disability Justice across campus

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