General Meeting Information

Date: February 24, 2020
Time: 2:30-4:30
Location: ADM 109

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    2:30-2:35 Approval of Agenda and Minutes from February 10, 2020 Meeting A Chow, All
    2:35 - 2:45 Public Comment on items not on agenda (Senate cannot discuss or take action) I All

    Request/Proposal for Enrollment Priority for DASB Senators (first discussion)


    Hyon Chu Yi-Baker, Shelly Michael, Genevieve Kolar


    Needs and Confirmations

    • Need for two Senate Executive Members to co-chair Spring 2020 Academic Senate Elections Committee
    I/D/A Pape

    Request for $150 for 3/13/2020 1:30-3:00 Department Chairs Meeting (1st discussion)

     I/D  Chow

    Request for $250 for 4/13 Monday FHDA Joint Academic Senates Meeting to discuss ASCCC Spring Plenary Resolutions  (1st discussion)

    I/D Chow

    Proposal to fund up to 3 Executive Committee members to register for & attend ASCCC Spring Plenary (April 16-18 @ Oakland Marriott) (1st discussion) 

    I/D Chow

    Standing Committee updates

    • De Anza Associated Student Body (DASB)
    • Instructional Planning and Budget Team (IPBT)
    • Student Services Planning and Budget Team (SSPBT)
    • Curriculum Committee

    Representatives from committees


    Good of the Order



    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    Minutes for February 24, 2020

    I. Approval of Agenda and Minutes from February 10, 2020 Meeting

    • Karen welcomed Cecilia Hui, the new senator representing Learning Resources.
    • Ishmael moved to add to the agenda discussion on issues regarding the Psychology Hiring Committee confirmed in the last meeting, Susan seconded, 1 abstention, no opposed; motion approved.
    • Item added to the Needs and Confirmation section.
    • Agenda approved with the amended agenda.
    • Minutes approved.

    II. Public Comment on items not on agenda (Senate cannot discuss or take action)

    • Cynthia: at the Equity Action Council meeting, Sandy Cardosa mentioned that students are eligible for free access to Microsoft Word. Suggest senators request senior staff to notify students. Are there other ways to spread the information?  Does it have to be an agenda item for discussion and resolution? 
    • Mary D: What is the procedure for students to get free Microsoft Word? Mary P: first, would need student ID and email.
    • Mary D: faculty are required to take all kinds of training. The dates are staggered. After completing some of these training sessions and receiving the certificate, Mary was notified that she has not taken them. Records are not being kept well.  FA is working on it.  Keep track of your required training and classes. Official records may not be accurate
    • Ishmael read a letter from a part time faculty to Chancellor Judy Miner; this long time instructor “has never seen things this bad, in terms of the support the College provides its part time instructors, to allow us to fulfill our roles as teachers.” Included a summary of the situations this instructor has experienced and observed:

    Print Shop: there is only one individual to run all print jobs, must plan far ahead and can be time consuming; print shop is unstaffed most of the day, anyone can go in and take copies of exams.

    Classroom Keys: key requests are still pending with campus security with no response; instructors have to arrive early to have campus security officers open classrooms.

    Parking Sticker Fiasco: Part time instructors were considered "temporary employees” and so couldn't be issued a 3 year parking permit.  Thanks to the proactive efforts of the Faculty Association, this got fixed.  But it should never have come to that.

    Student Commute: described effort to route 523 express bus to the transit center on the De Anza Campus, which now services the 23 (local) bus. VTA tried repeatedly to contact someone at De Anza to arrange this, but they had never succeeded in getting anyone at De Anza to call them back.  This resulted in the 525 letting students off a block away from campus.

    Suggested sending out a survey to all part time instructors for input on how De Anza could support them in teaching their assigned classes. 

    Ishmael will set up the survey with SurveyMonkey.

    Finally, the instructor feels that “the only 2 groups discriminated against with impunity are smokers and part-time faculty.”

    III. Request/Proposal for Enrollment Priority for DASB Senators (first discussion)

    • Shelly Michael presented the proposal to request enrollment priority for DASB Senators; similar to current priority for De Anza athletes.
    • Shelly showed a document that outlined the required obligations for DASB senators and officers in student government and shared governance. It has become more difficult for senators and officers to fulfill all the requirements when there is conflict with the class schedule. Therefore, requesting enrollment priority for students in office. There are between 25 to 30 senators.
    •  Mary D suggested that the elected student member of the Board of Trustees be given priority enrollment along with the DASB Senators.
    • Hyon Chu: each week Dennis (College Life) checks to ensure student senators are fulfilling their duties, as well as maintaining minimum GPA 2.5 and taking at least 8 units.
    • Cynthia: for equity and diversity, the Senators should be compensated with either stipend or pay. Remove the economical constraint that might prevent some students from running for office and serve.
    • Shelly will check on the legality for compensation; addressing the stipend issue may take time while this issue has more immediate impact.
    • Mary S: DASB has been stepping up in support of the student community. Self care week was incredible.
    • Karen will take this matter up with Christina. She will check if enrollment priority for athletes is district specific or college specific; she will also discuss the matter with Foothill Academic Senate and shared governance groups.
    • The process for approval would be: Academic Senate, FA and professional matter, Chancellor Advisory Council, Board of Trustees.
    • Terrence asked for thoughts on “Being present.” He feels that in order for students to be successful, maintaining some kind of campus presence is important; should certain portions of the officers’ class be on campus.
    • Shelly described how student officers are always here on campus, sometimes every day; having all these meetings and responsibilities; online classes allow flexibility to fulfill obligations.
    • Shagun had a question about the accountability process. If students failed to meet their required responsibilities and they are kicked out after the 3-weeks period, what happens to these people who go in and out of office?
    • Karen asked about the system used for the athletes.
    • Hyon and Shelly: On compliance, Dennis checks to be sure accountability is in place. The requirements take between 10 to 20 hours per week.
    • Hyon: DASB senators did have priority enrollment at one point.
    • Group One, tier one, is cut back to Veterans, Foster Youth, DSPS, EOPS and CalWorks students. Group Two, tier two, Athletes.
    • Terence expressed appreciation for the work of DASB students; he especially has observed the incredible dedication of the DASB students he has had in his classes.
    • Karen echoed the appreciation. She pointed out that Paige has perfect attendance at the Academic Senate meetings. Also, acknowledged Hyon’s leadership.  Gen is an awesome Trustee.  She will bring this proposal back in a future meeting as an agenda and action item.

    IV. Needs and Confirmations

    The Veteran Services Counselor position has been filled internally, Lan Troung requested a transfer to return to De Anza and will assume that position. There is no need to confirm a hiring committee.

    Mary P reviewed the Academic Senate process for Confirming Faculty for Committees.  She showed the form a dean would fill out for confirmation, approval,, and appointment to hiring committees.  The process has been followed in the request below.

    Tenured Faculty Hiring Committee - Mathematics (3 positions)

    • Jerry Rosenberg (Dean, PSEM, chair,) Cheryl Balm (Mathematics Faculty,) Mehrdad Khosravi (Mathematics Faculty,) Richard Lopez (Mathematics Faculty,) Amy Leonard (EO rep.)
    • Cynthia moved to confirm, Mary S seconded, no objections, motion passed.

    Need for two Senate Executive Members to co-chair Spring 2020 Academic Senate Elections Committee

    All 3 positions are up for election; both Tom and Paul who have been conducting previous votings are not available.

    This would preclude anyone planning to run for office.

    After Tom’s explanation on the voting process and time commitment. Mary Sullivan and Daniel Solomon volunteered.

    Added item:
    Discussion on the Psychology Hiring Committee

    Thomas: Psychology department has only 2 full time faculty, the related department is Sociology.

    Wendy: she took issue with what happened, it did not follow procedure; the call should have gone out division wide.

    Thomas: after consulting with Carolyn, he consulted with the 2 full time faculty in the department.

    Mary P: when a department or division feels strongly about procedure, the department or division should write up and vote for a procedure to codify it; the Math department went through writing and codified a procedure.

    Wendy: we lost our dean; past practice was not followed in this instance; in the past, an announcement goes out to the entire division for a position. In terms of equity; Wendy felt hit 2 times; in both instances she made herself available, was waiting and the opportunity closed down.  Wendy repeated that the division has had a past practice; it is a serious issue when the faculty is not made aware in a timely fashion; she is not the only one with issue; but the only one who spoke up.

    Bob S: there has only been 2 hires in social sciences in it could be as many as 7 years (need to check); he is surprised that no announcement went out.  if we want diversity; need to be as board and as inclusive as possible.

    Wendy: under what condition is past practice applicable. We are all busy, easy to be in a cocoon. Be sure to communicate.

    Karen asked for an extension of the discussion.

    Terrence moved, Daniel seconded, to extend discussion.  All agreed.

    Cynthia: It sounds like Thomas acted in good faith; some insist on past practice in that division; what to do? Need resolution in that department and division.

    Shagun: if a department makes a specific request, even if one is housed in the same division; how to bring everyone together?

    Ishmael: he would not have voted the way he did, if he had known the situation. He has no problem with what Thomas did, however, when another faculty is ready and waiting to serve...  He feels uncomfortable with what happened and the outcome. There should be clear written documents on how to proceed. The process is greatly flawed. The announcement should have gone out to all the departments. 

    Ishmael moved to rescind the vote to confirm the Psychology Hiring committee on Feb 10, Ilan seconded,

    Discussion followed

    Mary P: not sure if we could direct what the department or division is to do.  This body has the power to rescind.  When the Needs and Confirmation comes before this body, all the boxes have been checked. 

    Karen: anything brought to the body follows a timeline and procedure; we spend a lot of time on the procedure.  Officers have done due diligence; everyone has responsibility on what is to be voted on; clarify process; all have shared responsibility.

    Thomas: nothing in the procedure calls for announcement going to the division.

    Mary P: If it is rescinded, it will be as if nothing has been done.

    Wendy: There was no universal call to the division; she served on the last hiring committee; she is not the only person with concerns.

    Tom D: with a small department like the library; went out and reached out to faculty at Foothill.

    Karen: it is up to the department

    Bob S: seems like past practice should be followed. The department chair and division dean should have announced the position; what is missing here is the announcement.

    Thomas is comfortable with whatever the senate decides.

    Call for vote, 12 yes, 1 oppose, 5 abstain.  Committee is rescinded

    Mary P will notify the committee.

    Karen returned to Cynthia's comment. Everyone was acting in good faith. This process of coming back to revisit the issue also reflects shared governance.  

    Thomas will go to the division to call for volunteers.

    Susan: may end up in the same spot; however, in this case, although past practice has not been observed, past practice is not part of the process mentioned in the flow chart; this is part of the shared governance process.

    Karen: is it possible to codify absolutely every possible step of the process? Thomas: when a department is big enough, there is no need to go outside the department. Susan: this was a last minute item on last meeting’s Needs and Confirmation.

    V. Request for $150 for 3/13/2020 1:30-3:00 Department Chairs Meeting (1st discussion)

    Friday, 3/13, MCC conference room

    Shagun suggested adding the previous hiring committee issue to this meeting.

    Karen reminded everyone about the survey she sent out for feedback.

    VI. Request for $250 for 4/13 Monday FHDA Joint Academic Senates Meeting to discuss ASCCC Spring Plenary Resolutions  (1st discussion)

    1st meeting of the quarter, Conference Room B, De Anza.  Get input from both academic senates on the pending resolutions.

    Ilan ask about the balance of the account; Mary reported it is $21046.23

    VII. Proposal to fund up to 3 Executive Committee members to register for & attend ASCCC Spring Plenary (April 16-18 @ Oakland Marriott) (1st discussion)

    Usually, the officers attend the meeting.  Karen would like the Academic Senate to fund 3 additional members to attend.  For local meetings, funding does not include lodging.  Like most conferences, series of panels, legislative updates, etc. to highlight what is going on statewide . Especially good for those who may be planning to run for senate offices.

    Karen showed meeting registration information.

    Will Mary and Karen be running again? Mary P: "Probably not a good time to ask me that question".

    Karen will be part of a panel speaking on how to retain diverse faculty; she is eager to share what we are doing here in De Anza, especially the mentoring activities; there is documented research that shows student success when faculty is diverse; focus on under-represented faculty groups

    If there are more than 3 applicants, we will vote to choose who may go; this is an attempt for leadership development.  There can be 6 total.  The funding includes registration, mileage and parking.

    VIII. Standing Committee updates

    • De Anza Associated Student Body (DASB)
      • Wed first vote to fund 46 (student representation fee,) this week vote to Fund 41; Creative Arts question on Fund 41; election for student trustees this and next week; electronic voting through myportal, select “student election.”
    • Instructional Planning and Budget Team (IPBT)
      • Congratulations to Music for passing viability; Paralegal, an energetic but busy group, needs more time to fine tune, they will come back and report in Fall 2021; Annual Program Review; be informed and inform your division. Only program removed is Massage.  Karen recalled Technical Writing from before.
      • Combined workgroup: establish a set of questions for divisions and deans, department chairs, to find out and compile all the wonderful things being done in the college.
      • Music is outstanding in outreach.
    • Student Service Planning and Budget Team (SSPBT)
      • Completed program reviews for 15 service areas, all are posted; resources list, resource request still under review; Mary P: Tracdat will be gone.
    • Curriculum Committee
      • Erik is out; sent reminder, check with respective departments on course revisions progress;

    IX. Good of the Order

    • Susan: 2 international students were involved in serious accidents; one faculty is seriously affected by the news; how do we as faculty take care of students and each other; there is so much going on; perhaps professional development could offer workshops on coping and stress management; Lisa: couldn’t get counselors in fast enough. Must wait for notification to families. Definitely need more thoughts on the subject.
    • Mary D: Kayaking in May; how to send notifications; Karen: reply all with information; League of Conservation Voters "Vote" logo t-shirts available.
    • Dawn: PAA workshop next Tuesday.
    • Shagun: Next week is OER week; Karen to send OER link.
    • Bob: Election next week; opening up more phone bank time; encouraged more faculty support; faculty power.

    Karen suggested looking at links to various articles; need to address accusation and opposition to the measures.

    • Terence moved, Susan seconded, to adjourn, all approved.




     Karen Chow-


    Mary Pape

    Vice President 

    So Kam Lee

    Notetaker/Secretary (F19)

    Ishmael Tarikh-PT  

     Representss part-time faculty


    Mary Donahue - PT 

     Represents part-time faculty



     Applied Technologies


    Pete Vernazza 

     Applied Technologies

    Bob Kalpin

     Biological, Health & Environmental Sciences

    Anna Miller

     Biological, Health & Enviromental Sciences



     Business, Computer Science


     Mary Pape

     Business, Computer Science


     Creative Arts


     Ilan Glasman

    Creative Arts 

     Nellie Vargas

     Child Development


    Betty Inoue


    Barb Dahlke


    Anita Vazifdar

     Disability Support Program & Services

    Kevin Glapion

     Disability Support Program & Services


    So Kam Lee

     Intercultural/International Studies

    Marc Coronado

     Intercultural/International Studies


    Terrence Mullens

     Physical Sciences, Math & Engineering

    Lisa Mesh

     Physical Sciences, Math & Engineering

    Shagun Kaur

     Language Arts

    Julie Wilson

     Language Arts

    Susan Thomas

     Social Studies & Humanities

    Daniel Solomon

     Social Studies & Humanities

    Louise Madrigal 

     Physical Education & Athletics


    Rusty Johnson

     Physical Education & Athletics

    Tom Dolen

     Learning Resources


    Ceclia Hui

    Learning Resources

    Mary Sullivan

     Student Development

    Cynthia Kaufman

     Equity & Engagement


    Erik Woodbury

    Curriculum Committee


    Guests Present (✔)




     Thomas Ray

    Administrative Representative

    Paige Wallace

    DASB Representative

    Bob Stocwell

    Faculty Association

    Christina Espinosa-Pib

    Interim De Anza President

    Rob Miesa

    VP of Student SErvices

    Lorrie Ranck

    Actin VP of Instruction

    Pam Grey

    Interim VP of Administrative Services

    Hyon Chu Yi-Baker

    Director of College Life & Student Judicial Affairs


    Marisa Spatafore

    Associate VP of Communications & External Relations

    Stephanie Serna

    Classified Senate President


     Genevieve Kola

     De Anza Student Trustee


     Mallory Newell-

     Institutional Research

    Moaty Fayek

    Dean of Business/Computer Info Systems

    Renee Augenstein

    Articulation Officer

    Mary Bennett

    Tenure Review Coordinator

    Daniel Smith

    Dean of Creative Artstez

    Alicia Cortez

    Dean of Equity and Engagement

    Randy Bryant

    Dean Isaac Escotoreer & Technical Education (CTE)

    Isaac Escoto

    Foothill Academic Senate President

    Mary Pape

    FHDA District Academic Senate President

    Pam Grey

    Associate VP of College Operations

    Laureen Balducci

    Dean of Counseling, DSPS & Title IX Coordinator

    Anita Kandula

    Dean of Biological, Health, and Environmental Sciences

     Michele LeBleu-Burns

    Dean of Student Development/EOPS

    Lisa Mandy

    Director of Financial Aid

    Nazy Gayloyan

    Dean of Enrollment Services

    Edmundo Norte

    Dean of Intercultural/International Studies

    Jerry Rosenberg

    Dean of Physical Sciences, Math & Engineering

    Judy Miner

    FHDA Chancellor

    Dawn Lee Tu

    Faculty Director of Office of Professional Development



    Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities


    Director, Book Store

    David Ulate

    FHDA Research & Planning


    Mae Lee

    Curriculum Committee Vice-Chair

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