General Meeting Information

Date: May 11, 2020
Time: 2:30 pm-4:30 pm
Location: Zoom

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    2:30-2:35 Approval of Agenda and Minutes from May 4, 2020 Meeting A Pape, All
    2:35 - 2:45 Public Comment on items not on agenda (Senate cannot discuss or take action) I All
    2:45 - 2:50

    Needs and Confirmations

    I/D/A Pape
    2:50 - 3:10

    De Anza Faculty Spring 2020 Survey 

    I/D Newell
    3:10 - 3:30

    Guided Pathways Update

    I/D Hearn, Palmore

    3:30 - 3:40

    Resolution of Gratitude 

    I/D Chow, Pape, Argyriou
    3:40 - 3:55

    De Anza High School Dual Enrollment Policy --3rd Discussion

    I/D/A Chow, Pape
    3:55 - 4:10

    Academic Senate Opening Meetings With De Anza President Search Finalists 

    Submitted Questions From Academic Senate

    I/D Chow
    4:10 - 4:25

    Standing Committee updates

    • De Anza Associated Student Body (DASB)
    • Instructional Planning and Budget Team (IPBT)
    • Student Services Planning and Budget Team (SSPBT)
    • Curriculum Committee
    • Equity Action Council (EAC)
    • Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Committee
    • College Planning
    • Tech Committee
    • Online Advisory Group
    • Chancellor's & Senior Staff Weekly Zoom Update/Q&A Forums (open to all district/campus, not shared governance committees)

    Representatives From Committees

    (Wallace, Pape, Glapion, Lee, Chow, Gainer etc)


    Good of the Order




    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

    NOTE:Dear Senators and Guests:

     This Monday's Academic Senate Meeting will be available for you to participate in via Confer Zoom. Per Governor Newsom's emergency order for COVID19 sheltering in place, holding this meeting in Confer Zoom satisfies Brown Act requirements requiring a publicly accessible meeting location.  
    If you wish to join via ConferZoom, below are instructions.  Voting for any Motions made during the meeting will be done via the Chat feature of ConferZoom, and I will explain how that will work at the start of our meeting.


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    Meeting ID: 595 531 954
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  • Minutes

    Minutes for May 11, 2020

    I. Approval of Agenda and Minutes from May 4, 2020 Meeting

    • Agenda approved.

    Minutes approved.

    II. Public Comment on items not on agenda (Senate cannot discuss or take action)

    • Ishmael read a text message he had sent Karen as a public retraction/apology: Karen, I only apologize when I mean it. I am truly sorry for any and all pain I have cost you. I hope you carry no wounds forward.
    • As a matter of public record, Ishmael apologized to Karen for any pain or any ill feelings that he may have caused by his own actions.
    • Karen expressed appreciation to Ishmael for the public statement on behalf of herself and others. She also reflected upon how the tone of a comment and subsequent responses could hinder the work ahead.
    • She emphasized the need for civil discourse and respect and taking personal responsibility for words that may cause harm to others. The Academic Senate is about working together as colleagues. It is not about being the loudest voice. She recognized that people can get passionate and heated in discussions. She would appreciate everyone’s cooperation in maintaining a tone of respect, collegiality, and responsibility.  People may need to pause and calm down before re-entering a conversation positively and productively.
    • Karen clarified how she will manage such situations going forward.
      • Immediately pause discussion when there is a threatening exchange or unsafe tone.
      • Ask whomever making the threatening exchange or unsafe tone to restate in a manner that is collegial and respectful.
      • Ask those individuals to remove themselves if they cannot do that.
      • Remove those individuals if they will not remove themselves.
    • Veronica thanked Ishmael for apologizing and for setting the tone for civility. She also appreciated Karen’s follow up. As educators, scholars, academicians, we have a responsibility to be leaders that set the tone for civility, for respect, for decency.  We can agree to disagree, In spite of being in one of the ugliest, worst political climates, with a larger national tone of incivility.

    III. Needs and Confirmations

    • 3 open faculty voting positions on IPBT for Fall 2020. Guidelines will go out soon. Statements due 5/29.  The Senate will vote on June 1.
    • IPBT work will be very important for the next academic year; especially with the projections for the state budget. their work will be very important; hard work, They are looking for good faculty leaders to do hard but very important work. Encourage colleagues to put their names forward.   Part-timers can apply for the open position.

    Susan motioned, Shagun seconded to have the Guided Pathways Discussion next. No objection.

    IV. De Anza Faculty Spring 2020 Survey

    • Almost half do not have access to online collaboration platforms or access to special software necessary for course instructor
    • 80% have access to high speed internet, a quiet place to work, and a webcam.
    • Nearly all have access to a computer, a telephone and video conferencing platform.
    • Faculty survey conducted during the first two weeks of the Spring quarter to assess faculty needs for the Spring quarter. 217 full and part time responded.
    • Almost all will be using Canvas and/or Zoom. Less than 4% will be using Instagram, Facebook or YouTube.
    • Nearly all were aware of online Canvas and Zoom training and support provided by Online Education.
    • Half were aware of the online library resources.
    • Half were aware of resources available for video recording at home.
    • 50% had not taught online prior to Winter 2020.
    • Faculty were the least aware of the following student services: tax preparation assistance, limited health service online, assessment online, psychological counseling online, food, housing, computer, internet, financial emergency resources.
    • Most needed support and resources: more access to electronics, computers, laptops, tablets; additional workshop, faster internet.
    • She put the link in chat.
    • The 20% faculty who don’t have internet access should go to their deans for needs and support.
    • The survey has links to the various services.
    • Live support button is being answered by staff; they have received 800.
    • Some images posted by students are not showing up in Canvas, depending on their devices.  Faculty should get help from Online Ed.

    V. Guided Pathways Update (1st reading, discussion)

    • Lydia and Kim showed a short animated video that is an overview of the Guide Pathways.
    • Guided Pathways has 4 main pillars that they are working on over the next few years. The specific pillar they presented was the Meta-Majors Project.
    • Guided Pathways offered multiple pillars of support for students.
    • Meta-Majors group related majors and programs together for easier pathway mapping. They are clusters of academic majors that have common or related content. Within each Meta-Majors are programs, majors, degrees and certificates that have related courses. Meta-Majors are to help students choose a degree based on their interests, knowledge, skills, and abilities.
    • They selected as models, City College of Chicago and Lake Tahoe Community College
    • Meta-Major is not changing divisions; it is an entry point and a clearer path Meta Majors is like a "Front Facing" presentation for Students... we aren't changing our structure, but we are changing how the "main menu" looks like.
    • Marc asked about divisions like IIS/ICS with subjects and discipline in different areas.
    • Artistic Expression (Imagine, Create, Inspire), Business and Finance Invest, Manage, Market/Innovate), Health and Life Science (Examine, Nurture, Sustain/Heal), Language and Communication (Communicate, Connect, Influence), Physical Sciences and Technology (Experiment, Design, Explore), Social Sciences and Humanities (Observe, Engage,Transform).
    • They are asking the Senate to look at the names for the 6 Meta-Majors and the verbs underneath, but not the disciplines under each Meta-Majors
    • In Meta-Majors, students can pick an area of interest, rather than a specific major; students have room to explore without losing time. They are still in the same area and the same path;
    • Kim and Lydia noticed that many English major students never took any literature classes; English is a known quantity if students have to pick a major. There are majors in colleges that students have not been exposed to in high school, like anthropology.
    • At De Anza, a student must declare a major to get priority registration.
    • They chose student friendly language as well as traditional language (for transfer). They also used two sets of verbs to particularize each category. The goal is for the verbs to get students into the right areas.
    • For the activity all the subjects offered at De Anza were put on cards; participants sort subjects into groups that share common characteristics; then name the groups. There were a variety of names for the groupings. The groupings ranged from 4 to 10. At the end, they presented 6 main areas/Meta-Major categories to the core team. The Guided Pathways Core Team consists of over 20 adm, faculty, staff, representing all different areas from campus.
    • They conducted activities to collect data from diverse groups of people on campus that included Opening Day, Language Arts Division Meeting, and Academic Senate (140 people). The student activities received 300 responses.
    • Everyone is super impressed with the presentation and the data gathering process.
    • This was the first reading and representation. They will come back for more discussions and later action. 

    VI. Resolution of Gratitude (first reading)

    • The Appreciation Committee, Anne Argyriou, Mary Sullivan, Terrence Mullens, and Susan Thomas presented a draft of the resolution for reading and approval.
    • Karen read aloud the draft and opened for discussion. A budget and gift ideas were approved previously. There were discussions about the contributions of other support staff in the Staff Development and Online Education offices. It was concluded that this resolution specifically acknowledges the training and assisting of faculty in converting courses to online modality. 
    • The plan was to pass the motion by acclamation next week
    • Thanks to the committee for their work and beautiful wording, something that is very positive.

    VII. De Anza High School Dual Enrollment Policy--3rd Discussion

    • Discussion continued on whether De Anza would lower the college policy on high school dual enrollment to match Foothill that allows grade 9 and above to enroll; it is a college policy that can have age minimum in addition to grade minimum.With dual enrollment, a contract and permission is signed by the principal and parents; it is a liability release; the students also have the lowest priority status.
    • Cynthia: strongly in favor; some people need other alternatives to high school.
    • Karen: also attractive for students in other formats, like homeschooling; it is not about academic freedom; academic freedom is still intact.
    • Marc: also fully support; she also did not do well in high school
    • Daniel: I want to echo Cynthia and Marc! Though there were administrators and counselors who recognized my potential and attempted to cultivate it, I totally bombed in high school. I barely graduated! I never realized that I could do well academically until I was exposed to community college courses, specifically courses in philosophy, religion, and anthro. If opportunities like this had been available to me . . .

    • Karen: dual enrollment is the same as not middle college; an asterisk on the class roster indicates a student who is under 18.
    • There is objection over student preparedness and maturity. Also, a paying student may object to having a 9th grade student attend and consume the course resources (i.e. instructor access and lab supplies) for free.
    • Someone raised an interesting argument about opening the door for parents who push their children too hard and make them start college early.
    • Many acknowledged the concern over inappropriate contents, therefore, required parental permission.
    • Terence: some students (or more so their parents) might take offense at something presented in the course, and then complain.
 A disclaimer would be a good idea
. (Parents would have signed a release waiver.)
    • There is no basis for complaint, unless it is a harassment or abuse issue or a violation that requires reporting.
    • Mary Sullivan: How could the parents make a decision when they don't know all is covered...will they have access to the green sheet of the course?
    • Veronica Avila : she shows films with adult content and a 13 year old (that could be a 9th grader’s age) is just not emotionally mature enough to contribute to the larger conversation.
    • Marc: I talk about sexual violence and reproductive freedom in my classes..but I assume when you take a WMST class, you would know that
    • Betty Inoue : There is an expectation that these are college level classes - not high school.
    • Nazy; treat students as adults.
    • Paige: as a paying student I would not be opposed to other students accessing materials for free regardless of their age or grade. I don't feel we should be considering that as a drawback to allowing younger hs students to be dual enrolled.
    • Shagun: There are communication coaching centers in Cupertino that makes thousands a month teaching school kids public speaking and debate. She would like to welcome them into our classes.

    • Kevin Glapion: Middle College has been on campus for decades. De Anza has served many high school students.
    • Betty: the high school counselor and parents are supposed to work together to decide to sign up for college classes. She has had great experiences and no problem with younger students at Mission College. She called it a positive program. There is no need to change curriculum. Those students are ready. If they are not coming here, they will be attending another community college. There may not be many. High school students will be enrolling very late in the processes; priority will be given to the full time students first.
    • Nazy: web page for dual enrollment students; pdf form for parents to read and sign; the concerns are addressed in the consent form; send parent questions and complaints to Nazy; they still control the admission of those students.
    • The Consent Form: “By entering a college environment, students who are minors will be exposed to a diverse population in educational programs designed for the adult learner. Courses may involve sensitive topics that might be considered controversial or offensive in the secondary school setting.”
    • Cynthia moved to approve, Marc seconded, to follow the district policy of allowing students to attend De Anza College beginning at 9th grade with a special admit; 20 approve, 1 no, motion approved.
    • The college policy is now aligned with the district policy.

    VIII. Academic Senate Q&A Meetings with De Anza President Search Finalists

    Submitted Questions From Academic Senate

    • Karen explained the process for the first Q&A session that just took place. People submitted questions in chat. Dawn monitored and asked the questions in sequential order, just like how it has been done at the Senate meeting. The Q&As will not be recorded, but the next ones are Tues and Wed at 1255-150p
    • The questions are available on the Academic Senate website under the What’s New column. It is an open forum. People can take questions from the list or ask their own question.
    • All the constituency forums are not being recorded and they are not being posted. The governing body of each consistency is determining the agenda for their Q&A session.
    • Karen sent out the zoom information in her email and Mary P has posted it.
    • There are also the interviews with Judy that will be made public. Judy has selected to ask in her zoom interviews, questions 3A and 3B submitted from the Academic Senate.

    IX. Standing Committee updates

    • De Anza Associated Student Body (DASB)
      • All committees and senate are working to help and support students. They endorsed a letter to the SSCCC board of directors about nonresident tuition given the crisis and campus closures.
    • Instructional Planning and Budget Team (IPBT)
      • The schedule for the rest of the year is to have the deans come in to discuss their resource requests and give updates. IPBT will be making decisions during the June 9 and June 16 final meetings.
    • Student Services Planning and Budget Team (SSPBT)
    • Curriculum Committee
      • Mae extended a big thank you to everyone who helped to make the deadline last week. A special thank you to Mi for all her help with curriculum. There is a question about the submission and possible extension of online request forms for the fall. Erik will report back on that later.
    • College Planning Council
      • Has been a sobering experience. The state budget is looking pretty bad.  It is unknown what the community college system will get from the state legislature. The district is faced with making some hard decisions; Susan Cheu has presented a stark budget scenario. The declining enrollment pattern is bringing the district close to the basic aid status for allocation. Basic aid means getting allocation not from the state but rather from local property tax revenue. The district has been getting funding based on the 2016-17 enrollment level that was significantly higher. Since enrollment has not recovered, this is the last year of being held harmless. Brace ourselves for more discussions around difficult decisions.
    • SLO
      • The Convocation will be all online, on three Fridays, June 5, June 12, and June 19. Student Services has had great success with gift cards, Safeway gift cards for students to buy produce and goods; good success with financial aid emergency fund. Students have been able to buy books without a problem. And, also laptops and technologies for them to get up and running with the online modalities.
    • Tech Committee
    • Online Advisory Group.
    • Chancellor’s & Senior Staff Weekly Zoom Update/Q&A Forums (open to all district/campus, not shared governance committees)
    • There was a question about International Student status in the Fall for those who went back to their home countries.
    • De Anza is an open college, students from other countries may enroll. Will need to follow up with Nazy on international status, residency issues, etc.

    X. Good of the Order

    • Productive FACCC Board of Governors meeting
      • The first ever virtual FACCC Board of Governors meeting on Friday (5/8) was a very productive one, with a lot of really important information. FACCC signed a MOU with SSCCC, Student Senate of the California Community Colleges to work closely with FACCC on advocacy work, including the Advocacy and Policy Conference, which takes place every March, right in the middle of the traditional budget/legislative cycle. SSCCC is holding a statewide town hall on student needs, initially planned for 5/13, but now to be held on Weds., 5/20.  The De Anza students are holding a similar town hall for resources, and information sharing and gathering on June 11th (details forthcoming).
      • There is a lot of discussion around the CA state budget. We are a contract member of FACCC. When it comes to budget advocacy, the Executive Director of FACCC, Evan Hawkins, noted massive  uncertainty with wildly divergent estimates of the deficit, ranging from estimates of $54 billion to $18 billion.  With the tax receipt extended to July, the state budget will not be finalized until August at the earliest. The system does provide ongoing training that educates essential workers. FACCC and COFO are calling for prioritization of 70% enrollment base funding. FACCC and other faculty organizations continue to advocate for a COLA in any supplemental piece; and remain opposed to performance-based funding. While it may be necessary to plan for the worst, we need to also remain vigilant/push back and advocate for our students.  Data point: at time of great recession, deficit was $42 billion. While clearly there are massive challenges ahead, we need to stay focused on our mission and values. Fund the base to ensure access to higher education.
      • SB777 (Rubio) is being withdrawn; AB 2884 (Berman) is moving forward, lifting restrictions on lottery funds to address student basic needs; AB897 (Medina bill) is moving forward, lifting PT load to 80-85%.
    • Mary Sullivan: Mental Health Week sponsored by De Anza College Student Health Services (Clinic, Psych Services & Health Education & Wellness and Foothill College Psychological Services
      • MONDAY May 18, Noon-2 p.m. Mental Health Panel. Hear about personal mental health journeys from your peers! Click to join the Zoom meeting Password: Panel
      • TUESDAYMay 19, Noon-2 p.m. QPR Training Learn to be a gatekeeper and help prevent suicide in your community! Click to register for this event
      • WEDNESDAY May 20, Noon-2 p.m. Art With Impact Join this virtual gathering, with short films, discussion and resources! and resources! Click to register for this event
      • THURSDAY May 21, Noon-1 p.m. Dr. Paul Marcille. Living Under Lockdown: Using Technology in Health Ways Learn from an expert about staying healthy while using technology at home Click to join the Zoom meeting Password: Guest
    • Daniel reminded everyone application materials for senate elections due by 5:00! He has statements for President, Vice President, Secretary, and Part-time Rep.
    • Dawn: open zoom office hours Wednesday, 10 to 11, Friday, 4 to 5. Would like feedback for staff development needed for the rest of the quarter and summer.
    • Karen: statewide academic senate election results: Dolores Davision (Foothill) President, Myra Cruz (De Anza) Treasurer. For the first time, four of the executive positions will be held by women of diversity.
    • Thanks to the Elections Committee: Mary Sullivan, Danny and Pete.
    • Mary S motioned, Terrence seconded, to adjourn, no objection.




     Karen Chow-


     Mary Pape

    Vice President 

     So Kam Lee

    Notetaker/Secretary (F19)

     Ishmael Tarikh-PT  

     Representss part-time faculty

     Mary Donahue - PT 

     Represents part-time faculty


     Applied Technologies

     Pete Vernazza 

     Applied Technologies


     Bob Kalpin

     Biological, Health & Environmental Sciences

     Anna Miller

     Biological, Health & Enviromental Sciences



     Business, Computer Science


     Mary Pape

     Business, Computer Science


     Creative Arts


     Ilan Glasman

     Creative Arts 

     Nellie Vargas

     Child Development

     Betty Inoue


     Barb Dahlke


     Anita Vazifdar

     Disability Support Program & Services

     Kevin Glapion

     Disability Support Program & Services


     So Kam Lee

     Intercultural/International Studies

     Marc Coronado

     Intercultural/International Studies

     Terrence Mullens

     Physical Sciences, Math & Engineering

     Lisa Mesh

     Physical Sciences, Math & Engineering

     Shagun Kaur

     Language Arts

     Lauren Gordon

     Language Arts


     Susan Thomas

     Social Studies & Humanities

     Daniel Solomon

     Social Studies & Humanities

     Louise Madrigal 

     Physical Education & Athletics

     Rusty Johnson

     Physical Education & Athletics

     Tom Dolen

     Learning Resources


     Mary Sullivan

     Student Development

     Cynthia Kaufman

     Equity & Engagement

     Erik Woodbury

    Curriculum Committee

    Guests Present (✔)




    Thomas Ray

    Administrative Representative

    Paige Wallace

    DASB Representative


    Bob Stockwell

    Faculty Association

    Christina Espinosa-Pib

    Interim De Anza President

    Rob Miesa

    VP of Student Services

    Lorrie Ranck

    Actin VP of Instruction

    Pam Grey

    Interim VP of Administrative Services

     Hyon Chu Yi-Baker

    Director of College Life & Student Judicial Affairs

     Marisa Spatafore

    Associate VP of Communications & External Relations

     Stephanie Serna

    Classified Senate President


     Genevieve Kola

     De Anza Student Trustee


     Mallory Newell-

     Institutional Research


     Moaty Fayek

    Dean of Business/Computer Info Systems

     Renee Augenstein

    Articulation Officer

     Mary Bennett

    Tenure Review Coordinator


     Daniel Smith

    Dean of Creative Arts

     Eric Mendoza

     Dean of Physical Education and Athletics

     Alicia Cortez

    Dean of Equity and Engagement

     Randy Bryant

    Dean Isaac Escotoreer & Technical Education (CTE)


     Isaac Escoto

    Foothill Academic Senate President

     Mary Pape

    FHDA District Academic Senate President

     Pam Grey

    Associate VP of College Operations

     Laureen Balducci

    Dean of Counseling, DSPS & Title IX Coordinator

     Anita Kandula

    Dean of Biological, Health, and Environmental Sciences

     Michele LeBleu-Burns

    Dean of Student Development/EOPS

     Lisa Mandy

    Director of Financial Aid

     Nazy Gayloyan

    Dean of Enrollment Services

     Edmundo Norte

    Dean of Intercultural/International Studies

     Jerry Rosenberg

    Dean of Physical Sciences, Math & Engineering

     Judy Miner

    FHDA Chancellor

     Dawn Lee Tu

    Faculty Director of Office of Professional Development

     Elvin Ramos

    Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities

     Patrick Gannon

    Director, Book Store

     David Ulate

    FHDA Research & Planning

     Mae Lee

    Curriculum Committee Vice-Chair

    Other attendees: Anne Argyriou, Carol Cini, Deborah Armstrong, Erick Aragon, Judy Hubbard, Kim Palmore, Gloria Legado, Lydia Hearn, Minica Bonilla, Roseanne Quinn, Veronica Avila

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