General Meeting Information

Date: November 30, 2020
Time: 2:30 - 4:30 pm
Location: Zoom

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Action Objective                       Discussion Leader
    2:30 - 2:40 Approval of Agenda and Minutes from November 23, 2020 Meeting A   Chow, All
    2:40 - 2:50 Public Comment on items not on agenda (Senate cannot discuss or take action) I   All

    Standing Committee Updates


    Reports this week from:

    Instructional and Planning Budget Team (IPBT) 

    District Equity Action Council (DDEAC)

    De Anza Associated Student Body (DASB)

    Representatives from Committees

    Resolution on Safe On-Campus Athletic Conditioning and Caring For The Mental Health of Student Athletes (first reading/discussion)


    Second reading of a resolution brought forward by Athletics faculty


    Proposed Inter Club Council (ICC) Policy Change  (2nd discussion)

    Resolution (2nd reading)


     Second discussion of potential ICC policy restricting Part Time Faculty members to service as a Faculty Advisor only as a Co-Chair with a Full-Time Faculty member.

    from the ICC Code (Article II, section 5):
    "Club Advisor must be a Foothill De Anza District employee as a Part Time Faculty Member who teaches at least one class, full time Faculty Member or a Classified Professional who may have access to medical benefits."
     Tarikh, Yi-Baker

     De Anza General Education Review


    2nd discussion of General Education Review. Determine the need for updates to the De Anza General Education Philosophy and Requirements. Decide if the Academic Senate General Education Review Task Force should reconvene in Winter for detailed review. 


    3:50 - 4:15

    Constitution & Bylaws Review

    Community Agreements for Safe Inclusive Dialogue

    Jamboard for input

    Governing Documents and Robert's Rules of Order

    Constitution Revision Proposal For Review/Comment

    By-Laws Revision Proposal For Review/Comment 


    Presented at 10/26 meeting:  Timeline and Process for Review of Constitution and By-Laws

    Dialogue, both small-group and as a whole Executive Committee to:

    • clarify and establish community agreements for safe inclusive dialogue in Academic Senate, as a foundation for inclusive, equity-minded review of Academic Senate Constitution and By-Laws
    • review and agree on the process of review and approval of Constitution and By-Laws
    • review proposed Constitution and By-Laws (Constitution & By-Laws Review Task Force Members: Mary Pape, So Kam Lee, Shagun Kaur, Ishmael Tarikh, Erik Woodbury) and propose any additional edits to ensure that these documents are:
      • relevant/current 
      • reflect actual practice 
      • are not unnecessarily restrictive 
      • promote effective, inclusive, equitable, and collegial governance



    Needs and Confirmations


    Tenure Review Coordinator

    FYE Coordinator

    Guided Pathways Team Mapper Opportunity (Kim Palmore's email sent 11/24/2020 to faculty listserv)



    Good of the Order


     Link to donate to OTI FHDA Foundation account...raising funds to give OTI students and their children gift cards for the holidays.  President Lloyd Holmes will match all donations up to $300.00 total:   Donation Link

    Academic Senate Officers would like to send you a little holiday cheer over the winter break (paper items).  If you are willing to share your mailing address for us to do so, please fill out the information here: 

    Happy Finals and Have a Restful Winter Break!  This is our final meeting of Fall 2020 quarter. See you at our first Winter quarter meeting on Monday January 11, 2021!




    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

    Join Zoom Meeting
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  • Minutes

    Approval of Agenda and Minutes from November 23, 2020 Meeting

    • Agenda approved.
    • Minutes approved.

    Public Comment on items not on agenda (Senate cannot discuss or take action)

    • Mary D asked for further details on the parts of the GE criteria and requirements to be revisited that were mentioned in last meeting’s minutes.
    • That item on the agenda for discussion. Public comment is for items not on the agenda. Erik W will provide details in the discussion.

    Standing Committee updates

    Instructional Planning and Budget Team (IPBT)
    From last week’s meeting, IPBT members has identified the need to establish common language around terms with focus on equity before they can start building criteria for decision making; tomorrow’s meeting will have an activity to explore the meaning of the terms to the team, how they are applied and employed on campus.  They will investigate the data and criteria used to make previous decisions, especially those decisions that did not turn out the way they should have turned out

    District Equity Action Council (DDEAC)

    • Update from Pat Hyland: she is waiting for Dr. DeGruy and her team for a proposal for services and what they could deliver for District Equity training. Pat has approached FA and Chancellor’s Cabinet, with a request to negotiate 2 additional flex days for mandatory meetings similar to Opening Day. One flex day in winter quarter, and one in spring quarter. 
    • Some issues have been raised by FA and Academic Senate leadership with regards to the nature of training, content, and delivery. Bob Stockwell noted that the FA Executive Board will meet on Wednesday.
    • Typically, flex day planning has not involved the academic senate leadership in the past. FH academic senate president also has requested for academic senate leadership input on the flex day as well as the Dr. DeGruy Equity training content.
    • Some further discussion on the hiring procedure documents; Dorene Novotny will send out the latest hiring procedures for administrators, faculty, and classified. The administrator and faculty hiring procedures have been reviewed and updated. The administrator hiring procedure is being reviewed. 
    • Discussion was held around the diversity statement requested of position candidates; how it should be evaluated; there is a column for diversity statement but no guideline; should there be more guidelines as to what to expect in diversity statement; Karen will serve on a subcommittee to come up with guidelines for review.

    De Anza Associated Student Body (DASB)

      • DASB had the last meeting of the quarter on Wednesday December 2; DASB does not meet the first and last two weeks of the quarter.
      • Hyon chu thanked everyone who attended the DASB town hall. It was well received. There was good attendance and good responses on the follow-up survey.
      • ICC and DASB are discussing ways to diversify its membership. They may designate certain seats for representation from certain underrepresented student populations.

    Request from Bob S and Cheryl for report on the Shared Governance Taskforce

      • No further update since last week’s report.
      • President Holmes will invite president of the CCLC to the January 14 CC meeting to facilitate the discussion around forming a shared governance task force, to give his recommendation on the composition, and to give insight on a charge
      • Both President Holmes and Karen share strong belief and opinion that there should be campus wide input on the task force, its charge, and membership.  They, as co-chairs, have no intention to dictate what the task force would do.


      • Facilities Survey project status update: survey results are being finalized and analyzed. 1069 participated in the online survey, 792 were students.   
      • The December 8 meeting focused on space analysis on how to get in and out of meeting spaces, buildings, and parking spaces. The De Anza campus arrival experience needs much improvement. There is a lack of clarity as people arrive on campus. Student services and offices are segmented. They will focus on plans to increase equity, increase student experience and values; increase signage. There are plans to change landscaping, the A-quod building, and create a larger footprint for the event center.  The north entrance on Mary will need the most work; make full utilization of the existing classroom and create green spaces for students and classes to gather with particular emphasis on sustainability. 
      • Campus walk through and data gathered from divisions helped to identify problem areas; student input was great.

    Bob S announced the Police Chief’s Advisory Board meeting: 

    • The last meeting was pre-COVID, the next meeting is scheduled for Wed, 9th, 4 to 5:30pm, the meeting is open to all, the invite and zoom link are in chat.

    Resolution on Safe On-Campus Athletic Conditioning and Caring For The Mental Health of Student Athletes 

    Second reading of a resolution brought forward by the Athletics faculty.

    Rusty: There should be no confusion between competition and conditioning with social distancing. Both team doctors for Foothill and De Anza support the return of athletics conditioning to campus. 91% of the student athletes surveyed want to return; hope this support will get the school to move in the right direction sooner for safe  return to campus.

    From the resolution linked above:
    Resolved, the Academic Senate supports slowly and safely bringing a small cohort of students back to campus in a low risk (outdoor) environment with ample space.  

    Resolved, the Academic Senate considers the safe return of on-campus socially distanced athletic conditioning activities to be a potential model for bringing other entities on campus safely with similar plans and procedures for COVID19.  

    Karen pointed in the 2nd whereas that the return is a manner that is safe and follows all county health guidelines with regard to conditioning classes taught outdoors

    The Bay Area is currently in purple tier that is higher risk; 

    Karen acknowledged that President Holmes as well as athletic faculty were present in the meeting.

    Mary S moved to approve the Athletics Return to Campus Resolution - when deemed safe, Betty seconded; 18 yes, 1 no, 3 abstain; motion carried; resolution passed.

    Proposed Inter Club Council (ICC) Policy Change  (2nd discussion)

    Resolution (2nd reading)

    Second discussion of potential ICC policy restricting Part Time Faculty members to service as a Faculty Advisor only as a Co-Chair with a Full-Time Faculty member.

    Ishmael: The situation was brought to his attention by Mary D.

    Ishmael read aloud the resolution proposal.
    Whereas, De Anza College has promulgated its Vision, Mission, and Values through Institutional Core Competencies that include Equity, and that the creation, maintenance, and implementation of policies that promote these Values are fully embraced by the Academic Senate;

    Whereas, it is an incontrovertible fact that for years Part Time Faculty members have volunteered their service as Club Faculty Advisors, and served with dedication and distinction in compliance with the current Inter Club Council (ICC) Code policy;

    Whereas, the Academic Senate serves as the formal body and voice of the spirit and will of all the Faculty who serve the De Anza College campus, and as such is committed to Equity and Inclusion, which is undermined by the proposed policy change;  

    Whereas, neither the Dean of Student Development, the Faculty Director of College Life, nor the Student Activities Specialist have provided a data driven basis for the proposed policy change, and have not shown a discernible difference between the quality or duration of Club Faculty Advisor service between Full and Part Time Faculty members;

    Be it therefore,
    Resolved, that the Academic Senate acknowledges, supports, and appreciates the dedicated volunteerism of Part Time Faculty at De Anza College in the role of Club Faculty Advisors.

    Resolved, the Academic Senate encourages the Office of College Life to maintain the current policy as it is outlined in the Inter Club Council (ICC) Code, and explore alternative ways to ensure the effective and efficient provision of Faculty advice to Student Clubs.

    Ishmael: There was some confusion. There is currently a policy that has existed in Article II, section 5.C of the ICC code. Under the previous leadership of the Office of Student Development, now Office of College Life, there was a guide for student clubs. The guide recommended when seeking a club advisor and if that advisor is a part time faculty, then that part time faculty should get a full time faculty to serve as co-advisor. That was not a policy but a suggestion in a pamphlet.

    At a recent club advisor orientation a few weeks ago, it was not just suggested but stated by the student activity specialist, that if you are a part time faculty member, you are required to have a full time co-advisor. There is not a new policy, but there was a misstep in misinforming and misguiding people to make it seem that there needed to be a full time faculty member as a co-advisor. Ishmael has served in this capacity, as club advisor to different clubs, over the last fourteen years. Others have served admirably in this voluntary capacity. These are thankless jobs. Frequently part time faculty are asked to serve in this capacity because students clubs are desperate to get an advisor because they are not able to get a full time faculty advisor. Part time faculty have stepped up and enjoy doing the work, and want to continue doing the work.

    This is counter-productive, even disheartening, to be told that they can only continue doing the work they have been doing if they can get someone else to work with them. It is like being told that they need someone to hold their hands. It is not the way part time faculty want or should be treated.

    They would like the Academic Senate to strongly consider and pass this resolution. Because a message needs to be sent to change the culture that treats part time faculty members as second class and also violates shared governance by rolling out a policy without taking proper input, without considering alternatives. They (Mary, Ishmael, and part time faculty) hope to get support on what they are trying to accomplish in this resolution.

    There was a question about whether the 4th whereas is necessary. It seems to be calling out people who were involved. Would support the resolution without the 4th whereas.

    Ishmael has no problem with removing the specificity of the people in the 4th whereas. But it is important to include the last part in the 4th whereas that points to no “data driven basis for the proposed policy change” and no “discernible difference between the quality or duration of Club Faculty Advisor service between Full and Part Time Faculty members.”

    Cheryl did not fully understand the resolution until she received and heard Mary and Ishmael’s explanations. She suggested clarification on the 4th whereas and also to add a resolve to specifically ask for the support that a part time faculty can be a club advisor without oversight. That is not evident here. 

    Cheryl also expressed her appreciation for the thankless, student centered, and uncompensated work that people like Ishmael and Mary are doing. She is thankful for part timers who are willing to do all these work with minimum support from the administration. She hoped this passes to show support that part time is just as capable as full time faculty. 

    Erik: according to last week’s explanation, there is no policy against part-time, but a guidance document that suggested that in the case of a part time faculty not teaching quarter-to-quarter that there may be the need for backup leadership.

    Hyon Chu: they are in the process of evaluating their codes and policies and everything in their materials, to clean up those documents. And, they are listening to feedback. If Mary and the other had come to them and brought this to their attention directly, they could have had discussions, prior to coming to the Senate.  

    They are willing and open to suggestions and feedback from part time faculty. To clarify 4th whereas, they did not get any requests for data. They have come with a presentation to clarify what happened and provide additional information. They have never questioned the value of the part time faculty. Their goal is to ensure student clubs do not become inactive when their part time faculty advisors do not teach a full year.

    Hyon Chu went over a timeline that started with 
    Friday 11/13 Club Advisor Orientation that included a part time faculty co-advisor policy/guideline. 

    11/14 Mary D emailed Dennis and Maritza to request context for PFT policy/guideline and timeline for finding co-advisor.  Mary has been the sole advisor for the Outdoor Club for many years.

    11/16 Maritza answered Mary D with some information and with assurance of more information to come.  Mary D responded and asked again for context. 

    11/17 OCL learned that the guideline is not part of ICC code and started the work to find more information that included contacting their counterparts at other CCC. She discovered that there are no consistent practices at the other campuses.  

    11/18 She learned that PTF requested an agenda item to discuss concerns over inter club policy. 

    Monday 11/23 AS meeting agenda item, they participated in the discussion on part time faculty club advisor policy.

    She felt that the timing is premature but she also realized the urgency since this is the last Senate meeting for the quarter. Perhaps PTF is confused that the OCL is planning to make major changes before the end of the quarter. That is not their position. They are willing to wait until they have all the information and facts before they bring the matter to the ICC to review under their shared governance process.

    Maritza acknowledged last week’s concern over the new sudden change for part time faculty advisors. She explained that in preparation for the orientation, they were using existing policy and guidelines used by their predecessors, particularly the ask for a co-advisor. They are working to make sure there is consistency in the language they use. When Mary first asked the question “When did this happen, and why?” their original thought was that perhaps the policy has expanded and changed since the time the advisors first signed on and have been serving. In the process of doing research, they realized that it was actually an error.

    Michelle: they all value the work of part time faculty, their role in working with the students. They are an integral part of the campus community. At no time is there any effort to question the quality or duration of those faculty. It is not about a lack of respect or appreciation. In fact, there is quite a bit of appreciation for part time faculty. They are very appreciative that although part time faculty often travel from campus to campus yet they still have the desire and interest to work with students in many areas of the campus. 

    For her, it is more about continuity of student clubs and organizations. Over the years, there have been numerous rounds of budget reductions. During those budget reductions, unfortunately, part time faculty took the biggest hits in losing their assignments. Many part time faculty no longer work for the college which has affected ICC because some of the advisors are no longer here. Often students had to scramble to find someone else to take over that role. They hope to work collaboratively with faculty and students with the best interest of the students in mind. Keeping the club intact even if the faculty advisor can no longer serve that role for whatever reasons.

    Secondly, ensuring that faculty, whether full or part time, no matter their status, are very involved in the clubs, to participate fully, to involve in mentorship, and to support student needs. They are doing more than having people sign forms, but to provide training for advisors, full or part time. That is why they are looking at things differently and making the effort.

    There are other points to consider in advising, whether full or part time. There is liability involved for club and organization events. The district is responsible for overseeing risk management and safety. A person has to be employed by the district or college in order to be covered by the liability insurance. That is the reason why they do not allow temporary classified staff to be advisors, because their status is so temporary and at-will that it will create an issue around liability.

    The deadline for code changes has not been determined. They are looking at it. There are new staff working in this area, to look at this with fresh eyes to see if there are areas that need updates or changes.  Those changes are never meant to make people less than part of the community. That has never been the  intention. They need to involve ICC and the students. They must work through their shared governances process in order to work through these changes. 

    They have had a conversation with Lorrie Ranck, as part of the instructional leadership, regarding any concerns on that end. It is more about continuity, not if someone is full or part time. Try to make sure the student clubs continue, especially right now, in the midst of a difficult time. Our students are feeling isolated and disconnected. Sometimes the club is the only place they feel a connection to this campus. They would hate for students to lose that opportunity because they no longer have an advisor and have to scramble in this environment to find someone else.

    Comments in chat.

    All clubs must have an advisor. 

    The current OCL guideline states that PT needs a co-advisor. 

    One of the major problems here is that the guideline contradicts the ICC Code.

    OCL is working on trying to clean up their documents so that they are consistent and current.

    Time extension for 10 minutes. Mary S moved, Terrence seconded; one objection. 

    Discussion on the motion and objection.
    Erik objected to having more time spent on this subject. There seems to be a solution for the problem. It should have been directly communicated to the office that has a mistaken policy and a guide that they are very willing to with the faculty on. He questioned why this body has all these people come to defend what they done given the short timeline which was presented to them. He does not see the emergency or any disservice to the faculty. People should go and resolve this using the current policy and practice in place. We should move on to the next item.

    Karen wanted to honor the urgency conveyed by the part time faculty representatives.

    Ishmael disagreed with Erik. This is an important matter and he was concerned about the matter being resolved in 10 minutes. He was in support of the motion on the floor.

    Call for a vote to extend time for 10 minutes.
    12 yes, 4 no, 2 abstain, motion carried. 

    Rick had no problem with part time serving as club advisor, and didn’t think anyone would. His question is about the legal problem.  If a part time faculty is not under contract, can he or she legally advise a club?

    Michele: technically, with a club or organization, the advisor needs to be currently teaching a class. Part time faculty, especially without reemployment, may or may not be back in subsequent terms. She gave various reasons why part time faculty may not get a teaching assignment. If they are not employed by the college, they cannot be covered under the liability insurance. That would be a concern.

    Rick: There is a legal insurance consideration. If a part time is not under contract, and they take a group outside campus and someone gets hurt, there is massive liability. The clubs need to know that if they have a part time faculty advisor, and that person does not have a contract that quarter, that club is now inactive. We cannot change the law.

    Bob S: Does College Life want to retain the option of including a policy requiring full time instructor as an advisor. If ICC decides, in order to promote sustainable student clubs on campus, that it would require such a provision, there seems to be a few ways of doing this: leave the policy as it is, full time/part time; part time instructor with reemployment preference; require a full time instructor with as many part time support as needed. Does it mean only full time faculty can be advisors? Is college life trying to hold open the possibility to move away from the current policy?

    Michelle; they are open to suggestions to turn this around and figure out the best configuration. They are looking at different things. They are looking at even having a backup for full time faculty. There are full time faculty who agreed to be advisors, really want to work with and support students, but when they get busy, they cannot attend the events, and have to step down, so they will need a backup person. The same can happen with full time faculty.  When they go on leave, they will need to work with the students to find someone else. It is a challenge when a club loses an advisor and the whole club goes down. They cannot have a club without an advisor. There is an emphasis on sustainability and consistency.

    Mary P: What about part-time with re-employment preferences? Are they still not employees? 

    Michelle; All part time faculty are employees. Faculty with re-employment preferences are typically given assignments on a regular basis. With the budget reductions in recent years, there are part time faculty with reemployment preference who lost their assignments. 

    Mark Landefeld : If a PT Faculty has a quarter without load, would their voluntary submission of a “Volunteer of Record” form relieve the bigger part of the risk issue?

    That is a good question. It is something they need to explore and figure out if it something that is acceptable in terms of the type of clubs activity the students and faculty would be involved in.

    Elizabeth: She is really disappointed in the direction the discussion has gone. Part time faculty members in our body have brought this resolution to our attention, as a document of support. There is a pervasive culture of belittling the work of part time faculty on this campus. She, personally as a full time faculty, has been asked countless times to condone the work of a part time faculty who is trying to help our students, especially in the capacity of serving as a club advisor.  It is weird to be asked to condone the leadership of another art historian, everyone is trained well and knows their subject. It is really strange that we are being asked to support part time faculty in our body and we can’t focus on what is being asked. That is to provide a document of support. This  keeps coming up for part time faculty members. Even though there is apparently nothing in the policy that say they can’t do it, but they are keep getting told that they can’t do it.  She suggested that the Senate support and believe in them. Given the culture of continual belittling this document may ultimately put an end to this belittling. She thought that the Senate should focus on what they are asked to do.

    Mary D: At the Faculty Advisor Orientation, Mary heard for the first time in her 30 years as a club advisor that she needed an co-advisor. She was shocked and she asked about the requirement. There was no time in that meeting for further explanation. They say that they will get back to her. When she spoke with other part time advisors, they also have never heard of the requirement. Mary then asked “Why did this happen, and when did it happen?” She was told that they were looking into it and trying to figure it out. She realized that other clubs are at risk, if they all need to get a full time co-advisor. She asked about the procedures and deadline. She got an email on deadline for getting the second advisor clubs. Clubs typically have two weeks to rectify when they do not meet the advisor requirement. Given the holiday, they needed an update by the end of the quarter;

    Part time faculty will have to get a co-advisor by the end of quarter. There were  only 2 more senate meetings which meant bringing it up at one meeting for the first read and vote on by the second. Otherwise, if part time faculty cannot get a co-advisor; the club would be placed in involuntary inactive status by the end of the quarter. This may not be happening now, but that was the situation when she and Ishmael brought it forward to the Senate.

    Requiring clubs to have 2 advisors will put a lot of clubs out of business. Full time faculty are not lining up to be advisors. Therefore, she advised against having 2 advisors for every club.

    Regarding volunteer of record, she has been a volunteer of record 2 years in a row. She volunteered as a lifeguard when the state swimming and diving championships were held at De Anza. It may be useful to have all club advisors become volunteers of record.

    Karen summarized the above discussion
    She thanked the College Life office staff and Dean Michelle LeBleu-Burns for being at the meeting; also Mary and Ishmael for bringing forth the matter.
    There is a desire to work with the faculty to make sure that whatever policy being followed respects our part time faculty who serve as faculty advisors for the ICC clubs. There is no intention to belittle their service. She acknowledged what Elizabeth shared that in the past there have been some incidents where part time faculty has been made to feel not as valued as full time faculty. However she believed that it was not under the leadership of Hyon Chu and Maritza. She asked Ishmael and Mary to work with Hyon Chu, Maritza and Michele to make sure any policy or procedure acknowledged and appreciated all faculty service provided. They need to address legal liability issues. There is universal support for the spirit of the resolution to make sure all faculty are respected and valued.

    Ishmael moved to extend time, Cheryl second; Erik objected

    Ishmael: It has been suggested we should move on and work on something more important. This is exactly the problem that they are bringing forth as part time faculty representatives. This is an Institutional cultural problematic attitude, that happens over and over again. What has happened today is extremely troubling. What is really a well crafted notion of what the faculty body should do has been mangled into something that does not resemble the purpose of the resolution. He thanked Elizabeth because she really does get it. He has no problem with working with the Office of College Life to resolve this issue. However, he described their position as problematic. The Office rolled out something and claimed that it is a policy when it isn’t.  It actually violates the ICC code that they should be acting upon. He has heard a total mangling of the exact issue. What is the intention of college life? They have rolled out a solution looking for a problem. No one has demonstrated that it is a problem for part time faculty to act as sole advisors for clubs. He will continue to ask Academic Senate to stand up for part time faculty interest.

    Ishmael withdrew his motion to extend time.

    There is an ask for a strong statement of support from AS, to value the contribution of part time faculty.  All faculty should be treated equally. There should be no hierarchy.

    There was a suggestion for a resolution of support for part time faculty.

    No club status is in jeopardy; there will be a careful review and crafting of all procedures and policies; all faculty advisors will be respected.

    Hyon chu expressed a desire to do just that. She invited Ishmael and Mary to a meeting to discuss and work on the issues.

    Motion to suspend 2 agena items, Needs and Confirmation and Constitution Review.

    Mary S moved, Terrence seconded, 21 yes, motion carried.

    De Anza General Education Review

    2nd discussion of General Education Review. Determine the need for updates to the De Anza General Education Philosophy and Requirements. Decide if the Academic Senate General Education Review Task Force should reconvene in Winter for detailed review. 

    • Mary D; which parts of GE need to be looked at; or people are talking about looking at
    • Erik; currently nothing has been identified as being needed to look at. No one has raised any concerns. They are in the process of coding and setting up the necessary fields and connections with eLumen as they build the new management system. Now is the time if there is any desires for updates; 
    • Shagun; how does guided pathway impact/intersect/overlap the course management system
    • There has not been discussion with guided pathway about how it might impact the course management system. 
    • How might guided pathway affect how De Anza defines GE?
    • Guided pathway is a way to help students identify and progress through a series of toward their ultimate goal.
    • Anu; right now, it is the other way around-guided pathways will find a way to identify how to meet and address the GE requirements and their major goals; 
    • Looking at the GE pathway to help student piece that together in the appropriate sequence
    • Lorrie; GE and guided pathway go hand in hand; 
    • Anu; last GE update was a major endeavor that took several years; they really looked at philosophy; there was a cross sectional team across the college; they had  just done the icc, they were looking at alignment with the ICC; there were 3 major changes presented to the senate and voted on; bob posted link

    Constitution & Bylaws Review


    Needs and Confirmation


    Good of the Order

    • Ceclia: ebook titled "Grading for Equity: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How It Can Transform Schools and Classrooms." Author is Joe Feldman.  The library purchased this ebook for the business department, but hope other departments will find it useful as well.
    • Here is the direct link to the book.
    • Link to donate to OTI FHDA Foundation account...raising funds to give OTI students and their children gift cards for the holidays.  President Lloyd Holmes will match all donations up to $300.00 total:   Donation Link
    • Academic Senate Officers would like to send you a little holiday cheer over the winter break (paper items).  If you are willing to share your mailing address for us to do so, please fill out the information here:
    • BKCsucZMa8S4CeLE7
    • Happy Finals and Have a Restful Winter Break!  This is our final meeting of Fall 2020 quarter. See you at our first Winter quarter meeting on Monday January 11, 2021!
    • Mary S motioned, Betty seconded, to adjourn, no objection.





    Karen Chow


    Mary Pape

    Executive Secretary

    So Kam Lee

    Part-time Faculty Representatives

    Ishmael Tarikh

    Mary Donahue

    Academic Services & 
    Leaning Resources

    Cecilia Hui


    Bio/Health/Environmental Sciences 

    Robert Kalpin

    Anna Miller

    Business/Computer Science/
    Applied Technologies

    Rick Maynard

    Hellen Pacheco

    Counseling  and Disability Support Programs & Services

    Betty Inoue

    Kevin Glapion*

    Anita Vazifdar

    Creative Arts  


    Elizabeth Mjelde

    Equity and Engagement

    Cynthia Kaufman


    Intercultural/International Studies

    Anu Khanna


    Language Arts 

    Shagun Kaur

    Lauren Gordon

    Physical Education 

    Louise Madrigal

    Rusty Johnson

    Physical Sciences, Math, & Engineering

    Cheryl Balm (Fall)

    Lisa Mesh (W & Sp)

    Terrence Mullens

     Social Sciences & Humanities

    Rich Booher

    Nellie Vargas

    Student Development & EOPS

    Mary Sullivan


    Curriculum Committee

    Erik Woodbury

    Professional Development*

    Dawn Lee Tu

    Administrator Liaison*

    Lorrie Ranck

    DASB Representative*

    Kimberly Lam

    Faculty Association Representative*

    Bob Stockwell

    *non-voting member





    Lloyd Holmes

    De Anza President

    Rob Miesa

    VP of Student Services

    Christina Espinosa-Pieb

    VP of Instruction

    Pam Grey

    VP of Administrative Services

    Hyon Chu Yi-Baker

    Director of College Life & Student Judicial Affairs


    Marisa Spatafore

    Associate VP of Communications & External Relations

    Scott Olsen

    Classified Senate

    Max Meyberg

    De Anza Student Trustee

    Mallory Newell-

    Institutional Research

    Moaty Fayek

    Dean of Business/Computer Info Systems

    Renee Augenstein

    Articulation Officer

    Mary Bennett

    Tenure Review Coordinator

    Daniel Smith

    Dean of Creative Arts

    Eric Mendoza

    Dean of Physical Education and Athletics

    Alicia Cortez

    Dean of Equity and Engagement

    Randy Bryant

    Dean of Career & Technical Education (CTE)

    Kathryn Maurer

    Foothill Academic Senate President

     Isaac Escoto

    FHDA District Academic Senate President

     Pam Grey

    Associate VP of College Operations

     Laureen Balducci

    Dean of Counseling, DSPS & Title IX Coordinator

     Anita Kandula

    Dean of Biological, Health, and Environmental Sciences

     Michele LeBleu-Burns

    Dean of Student Development/EOPS

     Lisa Mandy

    Director of Financial Aid

     Nazy Gayloyan

    Dean of Enrollment Services

     Edmundo Norte

    Dean of Intercultural/International Studies

     Jerry Rosenberg

    Dean of Physical Sciences, Math & Engineering

     Judy Miner

    FHDA Chancellor

     Elvin Ramos

    Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities

     Patrick Gannon

    Director, Book Store

     David Ulate

    FHDA Research & Planning

     Mae Lee

    Curriculum Committee Vice-Chair

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