List of Projects for 2008-2009
Major De Anza Research Projects
# | Project Title | Date | Link |
Type |
01 | FTES Trends | 06-Jul-08 | Stats | |
02 | NonResident Tuition Estimate, 2007-08 | 09-Jul-08 | Stats | |
03 | Graduate Survey, 2006-07 | 02-Jul-08 | Stats | |
04 | WRC Usage EWRT1A, 2008W | 17-Jul-08 | Stats | |
05 | Job Corps and Campus Enrollment Estimate, 2008-09 | 18-Jul-08 | Stats | |
06 | Summer 2008 Enrollment Comparison to 2007M | 18-Jul-08 | Stats | |
07 | EnableMath Results,Spring 2008 | 18-Jul-08 | Stats | |
08 | MPS Results,2007-08 | 18-Jul-08 | Stats | |
09 | LinC, MPS, Puente Success Rates | 08-Aug-08 | Stats | |
10 | Strategic Planning Expenditures 2007-08 | 08-Aug-08 | Stats | |
11 | LA Survey of Dropped Students | 20-Aug-08 | Stats | |
12 | Early Alert Report 2007-08 | 22-Aug-08 | Stats | |
13 | Low Income Zip Codes, Santa Clara County | 25-Sep-08 | Stats | |
14 | Overview of the Learning Communities Program | 01-Nov-07 | Stats | |
15 | Asian P.I. Grant Proposal | 23-May-08 | Stats | |
16 | Cross Cultural Partners Survey Spring 2008 | 03-Sep-08 | Stats | |
17 | Fall 2007 Course Enrollments by Ethnicity | 29-Sep-08 | Stats | |
18 | District Opening Day Presentation | 18-Sep-08 | PPT | |
19 | Foothill Persistence By Financial Aid Status | 01-Sep-08 | Stats | |
20 | Classes at KC Building Fall 2007 | 08-Sep-08 | Stats | |
21 | L.A. Survey of Dropped Students Spring 2008 | 20-Aug-08 | Stats | |
22 | LART 100 Class Comparion and Statistics Fall 2007 | 22-Sep-08 | Stats | |
23 | LART 100 Report For Year 2007 | 08-Sep-08 | Stats | |
24 | League Proposal for 2009 | 25-Sep-08 | Stats | |
25 | LinC Program Focus Group (Cicerone) | 02-Sep-08 | Stats | |
26 | LinC Report for Math Classes in Year 2008 | 16-Jan-07 | Stats | |
27 | Student Majors by Ethnicity Fall 2007 | 23-Sep-08 | Stats | |
28 | Distantce Learning Math Courses 2007-08 | 08-Oct-08 | Stats | |
29 | Math Enrollment Activity 2008 | 06-Oct-08 | Stats | |
30 | Math Program Survery Proposal | 25-Sep-08 | Stats | |
31 | Enrollment in PSME 2007-08 | 06-Oct-08 | Stats | |
32 | Enrollment by Santa Clara High School District | 07-Oct-08 | Stats | |
33 | Silicon Valley Economic Projections (Levey) | 07-Jul-08 | PPT | |
34 | Student Financial Aid Year to Year Comparison | 16-Sep-08 | Stats | |
35 | Data of Students Utilizing WRC | 24-Jul-08 | Stats | |
36 | Census Comparisons, Fall 2007 to 2008 | 08-Oct-08 | Stats | |
37 | Foothill International Student Report, Fall 2008 | 27-Oct-08 | Stats | |
38 | De Anza International Student Report, Fall 2008 | 27-Oct-08 | Stats | |
39 | Persistence in Math LinC's Fall 2007 to Spring 2008 | 24-Oct-08 | Stats | |
40 | LRNA100 and SKIL132 by Ethnicity 2007-08 | 28-Oct-08 | Stats | |
41 | Financial Aid Trends 2007-08 | 29-Oct-08 | Stats | |
42 | AAPI Grant ICS007 | 29-Oct-08 | Stats | |
43 | LRNA 98 by Ethnicity | 29-Oct-08 | Stats | |
44 | Distance Learning Courses per Student | 03-Nov-08 | Stats | |
45 | EOPS Demographics Fall 2008. | 04-Nov-08 | Stats | |
46 | Draft Math Survey Results Fall 2008 | 06-Nov-08 | Stats | |
47 | Transfer Leadership Center Final Report | 07-Nov-08 | Stats | |
48 | Transfer Case Study De Anza College | 07-Nov-08 | Stats | |
49 | Draft ARCC Report January 2009 | 18-Jun-09 | Stats | |
50 | EOPS Fulltime Sudents Fall 2008 | 14-Nov-08 | Stats | |
51 | FHDA Financial Aid Yearly Comparison Q1, 2008-09 | 18-Nov-08 | Stats | |
52 | Foothill College FTEF Pie Chart by Course Type | 20-Nov-08 | Stats | |
53 | Foothill and DeAnza FTEF Pie Chart by Course Type | 21-Nov-08 | Stats | |
54 | Nursing Graduate Survey | 04-Nov-08 | Stats | |
55 | Cross Cultural Partners Pre and Post Survey | 20-Oct-08 | Stats | |
56 | Math 10 Hybrid Course Success Rates | 24-Nov-08 | Stats | |
57 | LinC Survey Spring 2008 | 25-Jun-08 | Stats | |
58 | Knowledge of Special Math Programs Survey | 20-Nov-08 | Stats | |
59 | FTES Projections - Opening Day | 06-Jan-09 | Stats | |
60 | Estimated WSCH for Winter 2009 - Opening Day | 05-Jan-09 | Stats | |
61 | Summer 2008, Job Corps by Site | 07-Nov-08 | Stats | |
62 | Job Corps by Site, Fall 2008 | 07-Nov-08 | Stats | |
63 | Library Activity Report Fall 2008 | 20-Jan-09 | Stats | |
64 | Opening Day Demographics Report | 07-Jan-09 | Stats | |
65 | Cancelled Section Report, Winter 2009 | 06-Jan-09 | Stats | |
66 | NSF CompTechS Report, Fall 2008 Draft 2 | 14-Jan-09 | Stats | |
67 | Linc Report, Fall 2008 | 16-Jan-09 | Stats | |
68 | TBA Estimate | 16-Jan-09 | Stats | xls |
69 | Linc Survey Report Fall 2008 Initial Summary | 20-Jan-09 | Stats | |
70 | EWRT Distance Learning/Hybrid Success 2008S | 12-Jan-09 | Stats | |
71 | Census Comparisons, Winter 2008 to Winter 2009 | 26-Jan-09 | Stats | |
72 | NSF Financial Aid by Ethnicity, 2008 | 22-Jan-09 | Stats | |
73 | EnableMath Success Rates, 2008F | 05-Jan-09 | Stats | |
74 | EnableMath Survey Results, 2008F | 30-Dec-08 | Stats | |
75 | FH Participation of MVL HS Graduates 98-08 | 20-Dec-08 | Stats | |
76 | MPS Comparisons, Fall 2005 - Fall 2008 | 28-Jan-09 | Stats | |
77 | Career Center Program Review Data | 27-Jan-09 | Stats | |
78 | De Anza International Student Report, Winter 2009 | 28-Jan-09 | Stats | |
79 | Foothill International Student Report, Winter 2009 | 28-Jan-09 | Stats | |
80 | AB540 Students at De Anza College | 22-Jan-09 | Stats[BROKEN LINK] | |
81 | ECON1 Success Based on Math Background | 21-Jan-09 | Stats | |
82 | College Knowledge Survey 2008F Soc 15 | 28-Jan-09 | Stats | |
83 | Distance Learning Program Review Data | 10-Feb-09 | Stats | |
84 | Enrollment in AUTO courses by City of Residence | 11-Feb-09 | Stats | |
85 | Transfer Center Demographics 2008 Academic Year | 11-Feb-09 | Stats | |
86 | Student Success and Retention Program Review | 11-Feb-09 | Stats | |
87 | LinC Survey Fall 2008 | 10-Feb-09 | Stats | |
88 | Fall 2008 MPS and Enable Math by Ethnicity | 17-Feb-09 | Stats | |
89 | Student Persistence Fall 2008 to Winter 2009 | 17-Feb-09 | Stats | |
90 | Honors Program Review | 17-Feb-09 | Stats | |
91 | Demographics of Disabled Students Served, Fall 2007 | 17-Feb-09 | Stats | |
92 | FHDA Financial Aid Yearly Comparison Q2, 2008-09 | 17-Feb-09 | Stats | |
93 | EOPS Demographics, Fall 2007 | 19-Feb-09 | Stats | |
94 | Massage Therapy Program Review | 17-Feb-09 | Stats | |
95 | Athletic Courses Program Review | 17-Feb-09 | Stats | |
96 | International Student Fall to Winter Persistence | 20-Feb-09 | Stats | |
97 | Potential LinC EWRT1A and ESCI19 | 27-Feb-09 | Stats | |
98 | Public Sector Education Courses | 27-Feb-09 | Stats | |
99 | Potential LinC EWRT2 and JOUR2 | 02-Mar-09 | Stats | |
100 | Faculty Mentoring Report Fall 2008 | 24-Feb-09 | Stats | |
101 | NSF CompTech Findings Year 2 | 06-Mar-09 | Stats | |
102 | Readiness Program Review 2009 | 17-Feb-09 | Stats | |
103 | WRC Demographics Fall 2008 | 12-Mar-09 | Stats | |
104 | Anthropology Program Review by Course | 13-Mar-09 | Stats | |
105 | Linc Program Review, 2009 | 17-Feb-09 | Stats | |
106 | Readiness Tutoring Program Review, 2009 | 17-Feb-09 | Stats | |
107 | EWRT Distance Learning Program Review Page 2 | 17-Feb-09 | Stats | |
108 | Creative Writing Program Review Page 2 | 17-Feb-09 | Stats | |
109 | EWRT Program Review on Selected Courses | 17-Feb-09 | Stats | |
110 | ELIT Program Review on Selected Courses | 17-Feb-09 | Stats | |
111 | Courses by Assignment Type | 18-Mar-09 | Stats | xls |
112 | Courses by Load Factor | 18-Mar-09 | Stats | xls |
113 | Seat Count Comparisons | 20-Mar-09 | Stats | xls |
114 | LART Program Review Data | 20-Mar-09 | Stats | |
115 | CIS 15BG / AG Program Review | 17-Feb-09 | Stats | |
116 | Trends in Students on Waitlists | 20-Mar-09 | Stats | |
117 | C.A.R. Program Review Data: Philosophy | 26-Mar-09 | Stats | |
118 | Puente Program Review Data | 26-Mar-09 | Stats | |
119 | OTI Program Review Data | 26-Mar-09 | Stats | |
120 | WRC Activity for Program Review | 26-Mar-09 | Stats | |
121 | Title III Math Tutor Persistence Winter 2009 | 21-Apr-09 | Stats | |
122 | New MIS Guidelines on Ethnicity Data Collection | 21-Apr-09 | Stats | |
123 | Math Success Rates by Program Intervention 2009 | 21-Apr-09 | Stats | |
124 | Newsletter Article on International Students | 21-Apr-09 | Stats | |
125 | Latino Representation in Community College Success | 21-Apr-09 | Stats | |
126 | Hispanic College Students and the Transfer Game | 21-Apr-09 | Stats | |
127 | LinC Survey, Winter 2009 | 02-Apr-09 | Stats | |
128 | Library Activity Report Winter 2009 | 11-May-09 | Stats | |
129 | List of Graduates for the Paralegal Program | 05-May-09 | Stats | |
130 | List of Graduates for the Massage Therapy Program | 05-May-09 | Stats | |
131 | Drop for NonPayment, Spring 2009 Statistics | 05-May-09 | Stats | |
132 | Program Review F1 Student Success | 12-May-09 | Stats | |
133 | Census Comparisons, Spring 2008 to Spring 2009 | 14-May-09 | Stats | |
134 | Linc Report Winter 2009 | 14-May-09 | Stats | |
135 | Paralegal Program Enrollments 2008-2009 | 13-May-09 | Stats | |
136 | MDRC Research on De Anza LinC Program SPPIRE | 18-May-09 | Stats | |
137 | Distance Learning Enrollment Spring 2009 | 19-May-09 | Stats | |
138 | High School Enrollment FHDA 2007-08 | 21-May-09 | Stats | |
139 | High School Enrollment FHDA 2008-09 | 21-May-09 | Stats | |
140 | Nursing Theory Survey Summary, Winter 2009 | 21-May-09 | Stats | |
141 | Nursing Clinical Survey Summary, Winter 2009 | 26-May-09 | Stats | |
142 | Targeted Population Enrollment Trends, 2005F-2008F | 26-May-09 | Stats | |
143 | FHDA Financial Aid Yearly Comparison Q3, 2008-09 | 27-May-09 | Stats | |
144 | EnableMath Survey, Winter 2009 | 27-May-09 | Stats | |
145 | COUN100 Enrollments, Summer 2009 | 27-May-09 | Stats | |
146 | De Anza Engineering Majors, Fall 2008 | 02-Jun-09 | Stats | |
147 | STEM Article, June 2009 | 15-Jun-09 | Stats | |
148 | UC and CSU Transfers by CCD, 2007-08 | 17-Jun-09 | Stats | |
149 | FSET Program Estimated FTES, Spring 2009 | 18-Jun-09 | Stats | |
150 | ARCC Achievement Rates | 22-Jun-09 | Stats |
F1 or FZ FHDA Visa Holders by Attempted Hours