Section Two: Using Disability Services and Accommodations

Note-Taking Assistance

There are several options for obtaining lecture or classroom notes as an approved accommodation.

·       Recording Lectures
  • Students with disabilities may record instructor lectures, as stated in the De Anza College Academic Senate Policy on Recording Lectures (April 13, 1987).  Digital audio recording to save audio files on a computer or regular tape recording may be alternatives. If students are going to record the lectures, please meet with your DSS Counselor/LD Specialist to obtain a “ name of form” to give to your instructor.
·       Instructor Copies
  • Instructors who have lecture notes, overheads, or power-point presentations may be able to share these for use as a note-taking template. Arrangements can be made to copy these through DSS. Instructors may post notes our lecture outlines on their web-sites which can be downloaded and printed.
    • Instructors may lecture from power point presentations and may be able to provide these on request as an accommodation.
    • NOTE: When students use instructor materials or tapes, they may be asked to sign a Restricted Use Agreement.
·       Classmate Copies
  • A peer note taker can be solicited from the class to provide a copy of the course notes. Classmates who volunteer to take notes will receive an hourly wage once a month for the duration of the quarter. In order for Note Takers to receive compensation, they will need to have :
      • Properly registered with DSS in a timely manner
      • Return a signed Note-Taker Contract form, and
      • Provide the note-taking service through the end of the quarter.
    • To be authorized for this service, students must meet with their DSS Counselor or LD Specialist, who will assist the student with the process to solicit the note-taker and properly document the service.

Many students find that learning a note-taking system such as the one taught in the college’s student success and study skills classes is invaluable. It helps you produce more efficient notes when you take them yourself or helps you organize for study more efficiently using the notes from a peer note-taker.

Steps to Receive Note-Taking Assistance:
  • Review the class requirements with your DSS Counselor or LD Specialist, discussing the alternatives and deciding what would work best.
  • If note-taking assistance is an approved accommodation, take the Note Taking Request form to the Instructional Associate in LCW 110 for a small meeting to go over next steps and note taking services.       
  • The Instructional Associate will give you a packet for each of the courses you requested, and student will take the note-taking packet to your classroom instructor to discuss your preference for locating a note-taker or ask a classmate.  Your instructor will make send an email and/or make an announcement in class to help locate a note taker for you.  
  • Provide the appropriate materials to the instructor and volunteer note-taker, including the Note-taker Contract, if appropriate.
  • Inform the volunteer note-taker that they need to meet with the Instructional Associate in LCW 110 as soon as possible to get their paperwork completed for them to receive compensation.
  • When Note Taker meets with Instructional Associate, they will determine a manner of delivery and will inform the student.   Typically, notes will be delivered electronically via email.  
  • Report any problems finding note-takers or with their performance to your DSS Counselor or LD Specialist and to the Instructional Associate immediately.
  • In case your note-taker is absent, have a back-up plan. This might include recruiting a secondary note-taker, or requesting that the teacher assist in locating an emergency note-taker for the day.
Note-Taking Guidelines
  • You must attend class to receive note-taking assistance.
  • Note-taking is an approved accommodation when supported by current documentation.
  • Photocopying at LCW 110 is available:
    • For PowerPoint outlines,
    • If there are two or more students in a class who require note-taking assistance, or
    • If your instructor requests that we make copies of his or her overheads or lecture notes.
  • Inform DSS immediately if the note-taker drops the class or if you withdraw from the course.
  • Students receiving captioned transcripts will solicit a note-taker from the class to record board or other written information.

Return to DISH Table of Contents

DISH Table of Contents

- (Quick Links)

Section One: Coming to De Anza College

Section Two: Using Disability Services and Accommodations

General / College-Wide Accommodations and Services

Instructional / Classroom Accommodations and Services:

Alternate Media Services:

Deaf or Hard of Hearing Services:

Legal Aspects

Concerns and Complaints

Section Three: Disability Support Programs & Services Instruction

Section Four: Success Strategies

Section Five: Campus and Community Life

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